Presentation Archive

We have been honored to present our work on a number of occasions across the United States. Here is a listing of presentations and the electronic materials used during the talks. If there is an IEM talk you attended and not found on this list, please let us know.
Click the date in the table to view materials used during the presentation.
Date | Event | Location |
2024 Aug 27 | ISU Agronomy 2790
Title: Using the IEM Website. | Ames, IA |
2023 Nov 8 | CoD/Chicago AMS
Title: Using the IEM for Fun and/or Profit | DuPage, IL (YouTube Recording) |
2023 Aug 29 | ISU Agronomy 279
Title: Using the IEM Website. | Ames, IA |
2023 Mar 22 | ISU ANR Crops In-Service
Title: Using the IEM Website. | Ames, IA |
2023 Feb 7 | NWS Central Region Observation Virtual
Title: The IEM. | Webinar |
2022 Dec 16 | ISU ANR Crops-TV
Title: Exploiting the IEM website for fun and profit. | CropsTV Season 3 |
2022 Sep 28 | ISU ANR Crops In-Service
Title: Mesonet Updates. | Ames, IA |
2022 May 4 | ACM Small Business Forum
Title: The IEM Website Tour. | Webinar |
2022 Feb 22 | Iowa Corn Growers
Title: Weather, Weather Stations, & Management Decisions. | Johnston, IA |
2020 Sep 29 | NWS San Antonio
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show. | GoToWebinar |
2020 Sep 22 | NWS Central Region SE SOO Virtual Conference
Title: The IEM and other things that should interest the audience. | GoToWebinar |
2020 Feb 20 | NWS Des Moines
Title: The Weather Bureau & The IEM: The Best of Friends!!! | Johnston, IA |
2020 Feb 5 | Agronomy 600B Seminar
Title: Providing the E in G x E x M | Ames, IA |
2019 Apr 2 | ISU ANR Crops In-Service
Title: Mesonet Refresher | Ames, IA |
2019 Mar 20 | NWS Pueblo
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | Pueblo, CO |
2018 Sep 18 | NWS Pleasant Hill
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | Pleasant Hill, MO |
2018 Sep 12 | NWS Topeka
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | Topeka, KS |
2018 Apr 3 | NWS North Platte
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | North Platte, NE |
2018 Mar 1 | Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association
Title: Utilizing Weather Station Data to Improve Crop Management | Iowa City, IA |
2018 Feb 27 | Big Data for (Sm)all Farmers Workshop
Title: Big Weather Data for (sm)all Farmers | Ames, IA |
2018 Feb 21 | Emergency Interoperability Consortium
Title: NWS Valid Time Event Code (VTEC) | Virtual |
2017 Oct 12 | ISU GIS Earth Observation Day
Title: IEM + GIS + Other Acronyms | Ames, IA |
2017 Sep 16 | NWS Des Moines Open-House
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet (IEM): Making Weather Data Great Again | Johnston, IA |
2016 Sep 26 | Unidata DeSouza Award Presentation
Title: 2016 Russell L. DeSouza Award | Boulder, CO |
2016 Sep 12 | ISU Agronomy 590RD
Title: The Case for Relational Databases (make databases great again!) | Ames, IA |
2016 May 25 | Indianapolis NWS
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | Indianapolis, IN |
2015 Sep 16 | ISU Crops Team In-Service
Title: Using the Mesonet | Ames, IA |
2015 Mar 30 | ISU Crops Team In-Service
Title: Using the Mesonet | Ames, IA |
2014 Nov 10 | Chicago NWS
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | Chicago, IL |
2014 Mar 4 | Minneapolis NWS
Title: IEM Dog and Pony Show | Minneapolis, MN |
2013 Sep 3 | ISU Geology/Meteorology Seminar
Title: How much did it rain in Ames on 25 June 2010? | Ames, IA |
2013 Mar 2 | Professional Soil Classifiers of Iowa
Title: On the 2012 Drought and other items of interest | Ames, IA |
2012 Apr 12 | Omaha NWS Severe Weather Workshop
Title: Musings on Storm Based Warnings | Omaha, NE |
2011 Apr 1 | Central Iowa NWA Conference
Title: The illusion of Storm Based Warnings | Ankeny, IA |
2009 Sep 22 | ISU Meteorology Seminar
Title: IEM Potpourri (combine a bunch of unrelated stuff and see if it smells good at the end) | Ames, IA |
2008 Mar 27 | Central Iowa NWA Conference
Title: Webcam Shock & Awe | Des Moines, IA |
2008 Feb 28 | UNI - GeoTREE Seminar
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet: Using Open Source GIS Tools and Web Services to Disseminate Environmental Data | Cedar Falls, IA |
2007 Dec 19 | Experiment Farm Meeting
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Ames, IA |
2007 Nov 27 | ISU Meteorology Seminar
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet: “Where’s the Science?” | Ames, IA |
2007 Nov 7 | U of Wisconsin GIS Day
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet: Using Open Source GIS Tools and Web Services to Disseminate Environmental Data | Madison, WI |
2007 Mar 24 | Central Iowa NWA Conference
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet: Supporting the real-time and research needs of the national severe weather community | Des Moines, IA |
2007 Feb 14 | NWS Central Region SOO/WCM Conference
Title: IEM Chat and other things that should interest the audience | Kansas City, MO |
2006 Dec 5 | NWS Storm Based Warnings Workshop
Title: NWS VTEC/Polygon Stuff | College Station, TX |
2006 Nov 14 | Agronomy Society Annual Meeting
Title: 166-7: Modeling Out Crossing Probabilities for Maize in Iowa | Indianapolis, IN |
2006 Oct 10 | ISU Meteorology Seminar
Title: IEM Update: From pollen to rivers to pavements to soils and a whole lot more | Ames, IA |
2006 Sep 7 | Agronomy 600 Seminar
Title: Coupling Lagrangian Stochastics and Large Eddy Simulation to Predict Long Distance Dispersal of Pollen | Ames, IA |
2006 May 10 | West Elementary Career Fair
Title: -- | Polk City, IA |
2006 Apr 28 | Postville Elementary Career Fair
Title: -- | Postville, IA |
2006 Apr 3 | SchoolNet8 Training
Title: -- | Polk City, IA |
2006 Mar 28 | SchoolNet8 Training
Title: -- | Fort Dodge, IA |
2006 Mar 25 | Central Iowa NWA
Title: IEM Chat: A New Platform for Building NWS and Media Partnerships | Des Moines, IA |
2006 Mar 9 | SchoolNet8 Training
Title: KCCI SchoolNet8 Workshop | Des Moines, IA |
2006 Jan 20 | NWS Huntsville Presentation
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet: IEMChat and other tools for the NWS | Huntsville, AL |
2006 Jan 20 | Baron Services Training Conference
Title: Cyclone Saturday, An Examination of the Teamwork and Technology used on 12 November 2005 | Huntsville, AL |
2005 Oct 16 | National Weather Association Annual Meeting
Title: Why can’t we all get along? A New Template for Public-Private Cooperation. | St Louis, MO |
2005 Aug 27 | Baron Services Training Conference
Title: Now you can really see the weather! | Huntsville, AL |
2005 Apr 20 | Iowa-NASA Data Integration Workshop
Title: Using Open GIS web services to serve environmental data | Ames, IA |
2005 Apr 05 | KCCI SchoolNet Training Inservice
Title: KCCI SchoolNet8 Workshop | Des Moines, IA |
2005 Jan 12 | American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Title: 12.3 Using Open GIS web services to serve environmental data | San Diego, CA |
2004 Sep 18 | Baron Services Training Conference
Title: Mayhem in May, How Baron Tools Saved the Day: 21 & 22 May 2004 | Huntsville, AL |
2004 Mar 18 | NWS LaCrosse Presentation
Title: The Iowa Environment Mesonet | LaCrosse, WI |
2004 Feb 27 | NWS Davenport Presentation
Title: The Iowa Environment Mesonet | Davenport, IA |
2004 Feb 24 | KCCI SchoolNet Training Inservice
Title: KCCI SchoolNet8 Workshop | Des Moines, IA |
2004 Jan 15 | American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Title: Serving NEXRAD imagery with Open-Source GIS | Seattle, WA |
2003 Nov 21 | NWS Sioux Falls Presentation
Title: The Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Sioux Falls, IA |
2003 Nov 05 | American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting
Title: Implementing Weather and Climate Data Networks for Agriculture | Denver, IA |
2003 Oct 22 | Iowa Geographic Information Council Quarterly meeting (video conference)
Title: IEM Access & Free GIS | Ames, IA |
2003 Oct 14 | Iowa State Meteorology Department Seminar
Title: IEM: Shock & Awe | Ames, IA |
2003 Sep 26 | Baron Services Training Conference
Title: Utilizing your School Network | Huntsville, AL |
2003 Sep 17 | SchoolNet training workshop
Title: KCCI SchoolNet8 and the Iowa Mesonet | Nevada, IA |
2003 Jul 01 | Iowa Geographic Information Council Annual Meeting
Title: Open Source GIS for Iowa Environmental Mesonet Data | Ames, IA |
2003 Jun 25 | UNIDATA Expanding Horizons Conference
Title: Using Non-Traditional Observational Networks: The Iowa Environmental mesonet | Boulder, CO |
2003 May 14 | EPA Environmental Monitoring Conference
Title: Building the Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Kansas City, MO |
2003 Feb 18 | KCCI SchoolNet Training Inservice
Title: KCCI SchoolNet8 and the Iowa Mesonet | Des Moines, IA |
2003 Feb 11 | American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Title: Using GIS for Environmental Data in Iowa | Long Beach, CA |
2002 Nov 20 | Marshall County GIS Day
Title: The Iowa Environmental Mesonet - KCCI SchoolNet - National Weather Service Partnership | Ames, IA |
2002 Nov 20 | Iowa State GIS Day
Title: The IEM-KCCI-NWS Partnership: Working Together to Save Lives and Increase Weather Data Distribution | Ames, IA |
2002 Oct 21 | National Weather Association Annual Meeting
Title: The IEM-KCCI-NWS Partnership: Working Together to Save Lives and Increase Weather Data Distribution | Fort Worth, TX |
2002 Sep 24 | Iowa State Meteorology Department Seminar
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet: Past, Present, & Future | Ames, IA |
2002 Aug 25 | Baron Services Training Conference
Title: The IEM-KCCI-NWS Partnership: Working Together to Save Lives and Increase Weather Data Distribution | Huntsville, AL |
2002 Aug 12 | NCAR GIS Conference
Title: Serving Iowa Mesonet data with U of Minnesota's MapServer | Boulder, CO |
2002 Jun 26 | ISU Experiment Farm Day
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Sutherland, IA |
2002 Apr 05 | NWS Omaha presentation
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Omaha, NE |
2002 Mar 22 | Central Iowa NWA Severe Storms Conference
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Des Moines, IA |
2001 Oct 04 | Iowa State Meteorology Department Seminar
Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet | Ames, IA |