The IEM uses Unidata LDM to move data around within the computing infrastructure. Anybody is eligable to request a LDM feed, so to get products pushed to you without any fuss! This page details the setup of the LDM feed.

STEP 1: Send an Email

Send us an email requesting a LDM feed. You can send this email to me, Daryl Herzmann ( . You should include contact information and the DNS/IP of the host that you will be using to connect to the IEM LDM.

STEP 2: Configure LDM (ldmd.conf)

All local products are generated within the EXP LDM feedtype. A nomenclature is used within the IEM to help with product routing. The general form is: datatype routes timestamp archive_path current_path suffix

STEP 3: Sign up for IEM bulletin (optional)
You don't have to complete this step, but you can keep up-to-date with IEM news and events with the IEM Daily Bulletin. You can sign up for it here. If this service generates enough interest, I will set up a dedicated email list for it.

Daryl Herzmann
Rev: 26 Dec 2002