The IEM attempts a robust processing and archival of National Weather Service issued text products. This page details the many ways that you can access this data. Unless denoted otherwise, all of these resources update in realtime.

A common nomenclature used by the IEM is to assign an identifier, that unfortunately is not always unique because of lame NWS bugs, to each product. These look like so YYYYmmddHHMM-CCCC-TTAAII-AFOSID(-BBB:optional). The timestamp is UTC, the CCCC is the issuance center, TTAAII is the WMO header, the AFOSID is a 3 to 6 character identifier, sometimes called AWIPS ID, and the final -BBB field is only used when that is included in the product. This value is often available within various NWS data APIs within the IEM.

Pro-tip. You can enter this identifier into the IEM website search box to find the product quickly. The nwstext API is the main place to use this identifier.

IEM News Items
  • See this news item for more details on this archive and how it is made available.
User Somewhat-Friendly Frontends
Raw Text / Scrapable Archives
API / Bulk Downloads

Many folks use the IEM as a near realtime data source. This section details some of the techniques used.

The primary service used is the AFOS retrieve service. It supports date range queries by AWIPS IDs (ie TORDMX, AFDDMX). There is also a metadata list service which helps to find available products for a given date and issuance center.

Another technique involves using the scrapable archives shown on this page, with subsequent HTTP requests using HTTP-range headers to download the data efficiently.

Misc / Statistics
  • Map of Text Product Issuance Counts
    Autoplot 210 will generate maps of how many text products are issued for a given product type. It will also plot the first and last usage of a product.

Publications Citing IEM Data (View All)

These are the most recent 10 publications that have cited the usage of data from this page. This list is not exhaustive, so please let us know if you have a publication that should be added.