Scholar Work Referencing IEM

Beginning in late 2024, the IEM has attempted to curate a list of scholarly products referencing datasets found on this website. The backfilling of this list remains a work in progress!

There are currently 293 references in this list. Each entry includes a tag for the IEM resource referenced. Here is now many times each tag is used.

ASOS (108)   CLIMODAT (46)   ISUSM (30)   VTEC (28)   NWSTEXT (15)   ARCHIVE (15)   MOSAIC (13)   WINDROSE (13)   COW (6)   ASOS1MIN (5)   IEMRE (5)   LSR (4)   HADS (2)   PIREPS (2)   MOS (1)  
IEM Resource Publication Date/Link Title


ASOS2025-05-15Khodarahmi, Z, M. Heidari, et al. 2025, Settleable microplastics in residential buildings in a Middle Eastern area during warm and cool seasons; quantification, characterization, and human exposure assessment. Environmental Research. Volume 273.
CLIMODAT2025-03-21Wang, X., Y. Xu, et al. 2025, Knowledge-guided machine learning model with soil moisture for corn yield prediction under drought conditions. arXiv:2503.16328v1 [cs.LG]
CLIMODAT2025-03-20Patrikar, J., J. Dantas, et al. 2025, Image, speech, and ADS-B trajectory datasets for terminal airspace operations. Scientific Data. 12, 468.
ASOS2025-03-19Fazel-Rastgar, F., V. Sivakumar, et al. 2025, Study on associated effects of extreme drought and heatwave on air quality in South Africa during october 2022. Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology. Volume 6, article number 14
CLIMODAT2025-03-19Moore, E., M. De, et al. 2025, Connections between roots and soil health across agriculture management practices. Plant Soil (2025).
ASOS2025-03-18McCord, S., A. Zaragoza, et al. 2025, Life Cycle Analysis of a Hybrid Direct Air Capture System Enabling Combined CO2 and Water Extraction from Ambient Air. Carbon Capture Science and Technology.
ASOS2025-03-12Sadayappan, K., K. Jarecke, et al. 2025, Does streamflow regulate water chemistry in intermittent streams?
ASOS2025-03-07Jaekel, J., G. Hirte, et al. 2025, Air traffic control and vertical approach efficiency at the lower airspace. CEAS Aeronaut J (2025)
VTEC2025-03-07Baker, C., S. Van Den Broeke. Southerly high-wind events in Southern New England: Climatology and synoptic setting. J. Operational Meteor., 13 (3), 27-43
ASOS2025-03-07Wang, D., L. Wang, et al. 2025, An advanced tropospheric delay model based on Gaussian Mixed Long Short-Term Memory Network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
NWSTEXT2025-03-06Gebresselassie, M., J. Michalek, et al. 2025, Analyzing disparities in app-hailed travel during extreme heat in New York City. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Volume 142
ARCHIVE2025-03-06Matyas, C., S. Zick, et al. 2025, Comparing Reflectivity from Space-Based and Ground-Based Radars During Detection of Rainbands in Two Tropical Cyclones. Atmosphere. Volume 16, Issue 3.
ASOS2025-03-06Dzinyela, R., B. Dadashova, et al. 2025, Assessing single motorcycle crash injury severity factor using a novel partial temporally constrained random parameters logit model. Transportmetrica
ASOS2025-03-06Bromwich, D., S. Shuvo, et al. 2025, Simulating the 12 February 2020 North Dakota Blizzard: An Application of a Blowing Snow Algorithm Coupled with the Polar Weather Research and Forecasting Model. under.
ASOS2025-03-04Ardon-Dryer, K., T. Aziz. Times Matter, the Impact of Convective Dust Events on Air Quality in the Greater Phoenix Area, Arizona. Geohealth. 2025 Mar 4;9(3):e2024GH001209.
ASOS2025-03-04Peco, K., J. Wang, et al. 2025, Evaluation of a High-Resolution Regional Climate Simulation for Surface and Hub-height Wind Climatology over North America. Wind Energy Science.
HADS2025-02-28Ammerman, L, A. Loehn, et al. 2025, Long-term monitoring of endangered Mexican Long-nosed Bats (Leptonycteris nivalis) and a test of an automated census approach. Journal of North American Bat Research. Special issue 1:11-29
ARCHIVE2025-02-28Grimley, L., A. Sebastian, et al. 2025, Determining the Relative Contributions of Runoff, Coastal, and Compound Processes to Flood Exposure Across the Carolinas During Hurricane Florence. Water Resources Research. 61, e2023WR036727
ASOS2025-02-25Strelkow, A., T. Mitchell, et al. 2025, Assessing the Frequency, Duration, and Spatial Extent of Summertime Extreme Dew Point Conditions in the Southeastern USA, 1973–2022. Atmosphere 2025, 16(3).
ASOS2025-02-21Correal, J., F. Ramirez, et al. 2025, Behavior of bamboo properties as a construction material under artificial aging and weathering acceleration factors. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 464.
NWSTEXT2025-02-20Kemper, J., K. Underwood, et al. 2025, Leveraging High-Frequency Sensor Data and U.S. National Water Model Output to Forecast Turbidity in a Drinking Water Supply Basin. JAWRA
LSR2025-02-16Sabol, A., C. Nowotarski. 2025, Evolution of Southern Plains Supercells and Tornadoes through the Early Evening Transition.J. Operational Meteor., 13 (1), 1-17
ISUSM2025-02-14Sheriff, J., M. Tekeste. 2025, Tire-Artificial Soil Contact Properties and Effect on Crop Yield from Self-Propelled Sprayer Tires. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. (in press).
ASOS2025-02-12Gong, W., X. Ye, et al. 2025, Integrating Spatiotemporal Vision Transformer into Digital Twins for High-Resolution Heat Stress Forecasting in Campus Environments. arXiv:2502.09657 [cs.CV]
ASOS2025-02-12Liu, N., R. Oshan, et al. 2025, Mapping Source-Specific Air Pollution Exposures Using Positive Matrix Factorization Applied to Multipollutant Mobile Monitoring in Seattle, WA. Ecotoxicology and Public Heath
ISUSM2025-02-10Dutter, C., M. McDaniel, et al. 2025, Cover crops have positive and negative effects on soil properties and crop yield over a 15-year timespan. Agricultural Soil and Food Systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2025;89:e70032
CLIMODAT2025-02-07Islam, S., J. Mount, et al. 2025, Assessment of Drought Impacts on Crop Yields (Corn and Soybeans) Across Iowa During 2000 – 2022.
ISUSM2025-02-05Seraglio, N., M. Pessotto, et al. 2025, Soybean overcome differences in row spacing and seeding rate to maintain stable yield. Crop Management. 2025;11:e70033.
VTEC2025-02-05Criss, R., E. Stein, et al. 2025, A Cost-Effective Flood Warning System for Small Urban Basins. J. Earth Sci. 36, 307–313
ASOS1MIN2025-02-01Rabinovich, A., J. Sepic, et al. 2025, A Triple Jeopardy Flood Event: Coincident Arrival of the 2022 Tonga Tsunami with a Storm Surge and Meteotsunami on the East Coast of the United States. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 106, Issue 2
ASOS2025-01-31Mode, P, C. Demartino, et al. 2025, Short-term extreme wind speed forecasting using dual-output LSTM-based regression and classification model. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics.
ASOS2025-01-30Davis, R., O. Himmel, et al. 2025, Mortality and diurnal temperature range in Virginia. International Journal of Biometeorology.
ASOS2025-01-29Epps, A., I. Dressel, et al. 2025, Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Ammonia Inequalities Associated with Industrialized Swine Facilities in Eastern North Carolina. Environ. Sci. Technol.
ASOS2025-01-24Watson, D. 2025, Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring to Estimate Bird Community Response to Land Management in Southeastern Georgia. Masters Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
ASOS2025-01-22Zhang, C., D. Zhang. 2025, Spectral Inference for High Dimensional Time Series. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
VTEC2025-01-16Lee, S., A. Bose. 2025, Capturing Infrastructure Interdependencies for Power Outages Prediction During Extreme Events. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData).
ASOS2025-01-15Imtiaz, I., S. Nakamura, et al. 2025, Beliefs, Signal Quality, and Information Sources: Experimental Evidence on Air Quality in Pakistan. CEGA Working Paper Series No. WPS-247. Center for Effective Global Action. University of California,Berkeley.
ASOS2025-01-14Alves, D., F. Mendonca. 2025, A networked station system for high-resolution wind nowcasting in air traffic operations: A data-augmented deep learning approach. PLoS ONE 20(1): e0316548
ASOS2025-01-08Fuad, S., M. Farmer, et al. 2025, Economic Opportunities of Bioelectricity from Cotton Gin Waste. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2025), 1–28.
ASOS2025-01-08Ehsani, A., A. Azizpour, et al. 2025, Risk Assessment And Health Of Children And Adults Affected By Particulate Matter (PM2. 5 and PM10) In The Air Of Western And Southwestern Regions Of Tehran.
ASOS2025-01-07Chen, L. T. Liu, et al. 2025, STContext: A Multifaceted Dataset for Developing Context-aware Spatio-temporal Crowd Mobility Prediction Models. Association for Computing Machinery.
MOSAIC2025-01-05Mercurio, T., C. Patricola. 2025, Future Changes in Midwest Extreme Precipitation Depend on Storm Type. GRL.
ASOS2025-01-03Shawon, M., H. Chao, et al. 2025, Vertical Wind Velocity Estimation During UAS Fire Plume Encounters. AIAA 2025-1624. AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum
ASOS2025-01-03Cardenas-Melgar, A., Y. Auguste., H. Chao, et al. 2025, Identification of Precursors to Go-Around Events Using Machine Learning to Enhance Collision Risk Modeling in the Terminal Area. AIAA 2025-1624. AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum
WINDROSE2025-01-03Moumane, A., Al Karkour, et al. 2025, Utilizing GIS, remote sensing, and AHP-multi-criteria decision analysis for optimal landfill site selection in Kenitra Province, Morocco: a step towards sustainable development goals. Discov Environ 3, 4 (2025)


ASOS1MIN2024-12-31Haliczer, D. J. Mecikalski, et al. 2024, Use of Satellite, Surface Observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Data to Improve Cloud Base Height and Cloud Base Vertical Velocity Estimation. JGR: Atmospheres, 130, e2024JD04185
CLIMODAT2024-12-25Rogovska, N., J. Kovar, et al. 2024, Impact of tillage, cover crop, and in situ bioreactors on nutrient loss from an artificially drained Midwestern Mollisol. Journal of Environmental Quality.
ASOS2024-12-25Robinson, M., K. Schueth, et al. 2024, Spatial, Temporal, and Meteorological Impact of the 26 February 2023 Dust Storm. EGU Sphere.
ASOS2024-12-21Stevenson, Z., M. Riddley, et al. 2024, Hydrological, geochemical and microbiological controls on iron mineralisation in an intermittent stream. Geo-Bio Interfaces (2025), 2, e1, 1–16
CLIMODAT2024-12-20Ayanlade, T., S. Jones, et al. 2024, Multi-modal AI for Ultra-Precision Agriculture.
ARCHIVE2024-12-20Zhou, L., L. Harris, et al. 2024, Bridging the Gap Between Global Weather Prediction and Global Storm‐Resolving Simulation: Introducing the GFDL 6.5‐km SHiELD. JAMES.
ASOS2024-12-20Cigrand, C. 2024, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses of Silver Creek and Selected Tributaries Associated with Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, 2022–24. Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5117
VTEC2024-12-19Lee, S., A. Tabassum, et al. 2024, A Comprehensive Model for Analyzing the Effects of Power Outages on Customers. 2024 Resilience Week (RWS), Austin, TX, USA, 2024, pp. 1-5.
ARCHIVE2024-12-18Grimley, L., K. Hollinger Beatty, et al. 2024, Climate change exacerbates compound flooding from recent tropical cyclones. npj Natural Hazards.
IEMRE2024-12-18Dickey, L., C. Rehmann, et al. 2024, Evaluation of a Pretreatment Intake System for Reducing Particulate Loading to a Bioretention Cell. J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.
ASOS2024-12-16Mubashir, A. 2024, Sensitive Study of Cosmic Ray Flux Variation with Space Weather and Geomagnetic Disturbances. Dissertation, Georgia State University
NWSTEXT2024-12-15Cannon, F., S. Pfrendschuh, et al. 2024, Deep Learning for Multi-Satellite Precipitation Retrievals: Impact of’s Microwave Sounders, Technical Paper.
VTEC2024-12-13Islam, R., S. Jones, et al. 2024, Potential of using SAVs in evacuating vulnerable population during tornado early warning: a case study of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Transportation Planning and Technology, 1–23.
ASOS2024-12-13Painuli, S., D. Khandelwal, et al. 2024, Effects of residential EV charging on power distribution networks and their mitigation by optimal allocation of wind-based DG resources. Electric Power Systems Research Volume 241, April 2025, 111395.
VTEC2024-12-13Ash, K., C. Williams, et al. 2024, Quantifying and Visualizing Severe Thunderstorm Motion Uncertainty for Improved Decision Support. Weather and Forecasting (39:12).
ASOS2024-12-12Robinson, M., K. Schueth, K. Ardon-Dryer. 2024. Spatial, temporal, and meteorological impact of the 26 February 2023 dust storm: increase in particulate matter concentrations across New Mexico and West Texas. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13733–13750.
HADS2024-12-07Yu, G., K. Jennings, et al. 2024, Crowdsourced Data Reveal Shortcomings in Precipitation Phase Products for Rain and Snow Partitioning. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL112853.
ASOS2024-12-05Painuli, S., S. Bhowmick, et al. 2024, Mitigation of Residential EV Charging Effects on Power Distribution Networks with Optimal Allocation of DGs Using Coati Optimization. Arab J Sci Eng.
ASOS2024-12-03Alves, D., F. Mendonca, et al. 2024, Deep Learning Enhanced Wind Speed and Direction Forecasting for Airport Regions. Weather and Forecasting
ISUSM2024-12-02Nichols, V.A., W. Osterholz, et al, 2024. The roots of the rotation effect run deep, Agronomy Journal.
CLIMODAT2024-12-01Marti, P., A. Ibanez, et al. 2024, Bus Ridership Prediction and Scenario Analysis through ML and Multi-Agent Simulations. ADCAIJ: Regular Issue, Vol. 13 (2024), e31866.
ISUSM2024-11-30Jones, S., T. Ayanlade, et al. 2024, Multi-sensor and multi-temporal high-throughput phenotyping for monitoring and early detection of water-limiting stress in soybean. The Plant Phenome Journal.
VTEC2024-11-29Wahdat, A.Z., J.L. Lusk. 2024. Extreme weather events, food shopping behavior, and card spending. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
CLIMODAT2024-11-28Aslan-Sungur, G., B. Boersma, et al. 2024, Advances in Miscanthus × Giganteus Planting Techniques May Increase Carbon Uptake in the Establishment Year, Glob Change Biol Bioenergy. 17(1).
ASOS2024-11-25Deshpande, P., S. Tripathi, et al. 2024, Bayesian Neural Networks for Satellite Fog Detection: Quantifying Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainties. Remote Sens Earth Syst Sci
WINDROSE2024-11-21Foroughian, S., M. Zandieh, et al. 2024, Evaluation of the effect of semi-open spaces on the ventilation of indoor spaces and the distribution of fine dust. Int. J. Urban Manage Energy Sustainability, 5(4): 198-213.
ISUSM2024-11-20Meadows, A.L., Ramawater Yadav. 2024. Using a seed impact mill to limit waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) seed inputs in Iowa soybean. Weed Science
ASOS2024-11-18Berg, E.. 2024, Variability in the urban heat island of Madison, Wisconsin across spatial and temporal scales. PhD Dissertation, U of Wisconsin-Madison.
COW2024-11-15Cintineo, J.L., M. Pavolonis, et al. 2024, ProbSevere version 3: Improved Exploitation of Data Fusion and Machine Learning for Nowcasting Severe Weather. Weather and Forecasting.
ISUSM2024-11-13Batzer, J., A. Shirazi, et al. 2024, Impacted by Fungicide Treatment, Harvest Timing, and Storage Environment. APS Online.
ASOS2024-11-13Mouat, A.P., Spinei E., et al. 2024, Informing Near-Airport Satellite NO2 Retrievals Using Pandora Sky-Scanning Observations. ACS ES&T Air Article ASAP
MOSAIC2024-11-11Squitieri, B., A. Wade, et al. 2024, On a modified definition of a derecho. Part II: An updated spatial climatology of derechos across the contiguous United States. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
MOSAIC2024-11-11Squitieri, B., A. Wade, et al. 2024, On a modified definition of a derecho. Part I: Construction of the definition and quantitative criteria for identifying future derechos over the contiguous U.S. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
CLIMODAT2024-11-05Patel, S., A. Singh, et al. 2024, Root and shoot biomass and nutrient composition of winter rye cover crop following corn and soybean. Agrosyst Geosci Environ. 2024;7:e70017
VTEC2024-11-04Abatzoglou, J.T., E. Fleishman, et al, 2024. The Efficacy of Red Flag Warnings in Mitigating Human-Caused Wildfires across the Western United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
ASOS2024-11-04Osterhaus, D.M., B.M. Van Doren, et al, 2024. Evaluation of methods to estimate nocturnal bird migration activity: C comparison of radar and nocturnal flight call monitoring in the American West. Ornithological Applications, 127:duae000.
ASOS2024-11-01Deshpandem P., S. Tripathi, et al. 2024, Bayesian Neural Networks for Satellite Fog Detection: Quantifying Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainties. Remote sensing in earth systems sciences.
WINDROSE2024-11-01Haschke, E. M. Simon, et al. 2024, The Refugee Collective Farm Resilent Farm Plan.
VTEC2024-11-01Ideker, M.A. 2024. A composite analysis of critical fire weather in the Middle Mississippi Valley. St Louis University Thesis.
VTEC2024-10-29Gellman, J., H. Henninghausen et al, 2024. The Cost of Hurricanes..
ASOS2024-10-18Zaremba, T., J. Minder, et al. 2024, Small-scale wind fluctuations within melting layers of winter storms: results from WINTRE-MIX. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences.
ISUSM2024-10-17Liebman, M., M. Helmers, 2024. Multiyear productivity and nitrate-nitrogen loss from corn and prairie bioenergy cropping systems. Agronomy Journal.
ASOS2024-09-20Pane, Melanie M., and Robert E. Davis. 2024. The association between short-term temperature variability and mortality in Virginia. Plos one 19.9
ASOS2024-09-01Weiksnar, K.D. M.L Garcia, et al. 2024, Use of National Centers Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Data to Support Severe Accident Consequence Analysis at Locations Without Onsite Meteorological Data. Sandia Report.
NWSTEXT2024-09-01Sears, M., A. Nugent, et al. 2024, Weather System Contributions to High Streamflow in Halelea, Kauai. Journal of Hydrometeorology. Volume 25, Issue 9.
ASOS2024-08-30Czarnecki, C., L. Chronister. 2024, Uncovering Breeding Habitat Use of an Uncommon Songbird in Pennsylvania Using Large Scale Acoustic Data. Wildlife Letters.
CLIMODAT2024-08-19Lee, C., M. Leonard, et al. 2024, Abundance, distribution, and dynamics of Anopheles species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iowa, United States. Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 61, Issue 6, November 2024, Pages 1391–1398
ARCHIVE2024-08-01Mathur, S. 2024, Interpretable Generative Models for Precipitation Forecasting. Masters Thesis, University of Texas at Austin
IEMRE2024-08-01Calderon, I. 2024,Developing a Data-driven Water Quality Prediction Tool at the Event Scale for Tile-drained Agriculture-dominated Catchments. Iowa State University Thesis
ASOS2024-06-25Alves, D., F. Mendonca, et al. 2024, Low Tropospheric Wind Forecasts in Aviation: The Potential of Deep Learning for Terminal Aerodrome Forecast Bulletins. Pure Appl. Geophys. 181, 2265–2276
ARCHIVE2024-06-13Kurdzo, J., M. Donovan, et al. 2024, Impact of WSR-88D MESO-SAILS Usage on MRMS-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation. 2024 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf24)
ISUSM2024-06-09Loper, H., C. Tenesaca, et al. 2024, Insights on agricultural nitrate leaching from soil block mesocosms. Journal of Environmental Quality. Volume 53, Issue 4.
CLIMODAT2024-06-01McBride, M.C. Occupancy of Breeding Sika Deer Populations and Competition With White-Taile Deer on the Demarva Peninsula, USA. University of Delaware disseration.
LSR2024-06-01Bower, E., M. Erickson, et al. 2024, Objective Verification of the Weather Prediction Center’s Mesoscale Precipitation Discussions. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 39, Issue 6.
ASOS2024-05-21Alves, D., F. Mendonca, et al. 2024, A computer vision approach for satellite-driven wind nowcasting over complex terrains. 2024 Environ. Res. Commun. 6 055014
WINDROSE2024-05-13Allen, A., McLeod, C., et al. 2024, Mineralogy and geochemistry of sands from Playa las Golondrinas, Puerto Rico: an approach to establishing a geogenic background, Environmental Earth Sciences (2025) 84:31.
ARCHIVE2024-04-15Wang, Y., L. Zhang. 2024, Using Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) to merge precipitation data over mountainous area in Sierra Nevada. Machine Learning (cs.LG)
ASOS2024-02-12Priya, K., T. Sasanka, et al. 2024, Enhanced prediction of premonsoon thunderstorms over eastern India through assimilation of INSAT-3D sounding data. Quarterly Journal of RMS. Volume 150, Issue 760.
ASOS2024-02-10Sridhar, H., N. Devi, et al. 2024, FIRST-TIME OBSERVATIONS OF FINE PARTICLE MATTER (PM2.5) AT A RURAL SITE IN SOUTH INDIA – A CASE STUDY. Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 06, No. 4 (2024) 1793-1798.
ASOS2024-01-19Egerer, U., S. Data, et al. 2024, Wind and structural loads data measured on parabolic trough solar collectors at an operational power plant. Sci Data 11, 98
VTEC2024-01-05Ernst, S., J. Ripberger, et al, 2024. A Tale of Two Hazards: Studying Broadcast Meteorologist Communication of Simultaneous Tornado and Flash Flood (TORFF) Events. Journal of Operational Meteorology. Vol 12 Issue 1, p1-18.
ASOS2024-01-04Brown, N., E. Kawamura, et al. 2024, Visual & Inertial Datasets for an eVTOL Aircraft Approach and Landing Scenario. AIAA 2024-1386 Session: Distributing Sensing as Enabling Technology for Autonomous Air Mobility I
ASOS2024-01-01Neyra, J., R. Davis. 2024, The association between climate and emergency department visits for renal and urinary disease in Charlottesville, Virginia. Environmental Research. Volume 240, Part 2
ASOS2024-01-01Neyra, Jesus S., and Robert E. Davis. 2024. The association between climate and emergency department visits for renal and urinary disease in Charlottesville, Virginia. Environmental Research 240


ASOS2023-12-29Abdelhady, H., C. Troy. A Machine Learning Framework for Extending Wave Height Time Series Using Historical Wind Records. arXiv:2309.14204 []
ASOS2023-12-25Sridhar, H., N. Latha Devi, et al. 2023, FIRST-TIME OBSERVATIONS OF FINE PARTICLE MATTER (PM2.5) AT A RURAL SITE IN SOUTH INDIA – A CASE STUDY. Proceedings on Engineering Sciences. Vol. 06, No. 4 1793-1798.
ISUSM2023-12-05Batzer, J., A. Shirazi, et al. 2023, Diversity and Phenology of Soybean Seed Fungal Endophyte Communities in the Upper Midwest United States. APS Online Publications.
ASOS2023-11-29Hernandez-Bermejo, J., Y. Labarca-Rojas, et al. 2023, Recovery of Neglected Species with Cloud Water Micro Condense Capacity as a Response to Climate Change: The Case of Sclerophyllous Boxwoods of Buxus balearica Lam. in the Southern Spanish Mediterranean. Diversity 2023, 15(12), 1184
ASOS2023-11-27Sugeno, M., E. Kawazu, et al. 2023, Association between environmental factors and dengue incidence in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: a nationwide time-series study. BMC Public Health 23
ASOS2023-10-24Samman, A., M. Butt. 2023, Aerosol Types and Their Climatology over the Dust Belt Region. MDPI Atmosphere. Volume 14, Issue 11
COW2023-10-13Ellis, K., J. First, et al. 2023, The Climatology, Vulnerability, and Public Perceptions Associated with Overlapping Tornado and Flash Flood Warnings in a Portion of the Southeast United States. Weather, Climate and Society. Volume 15, Issue 4.
ASOS2023-10-10Davis, Robert E., et al. 2023. Climate and human mortality in Virginia, 2005–2020. Science of The Total Environment 894
NWSTEXT2023-10-01Lupo, K., C. Schwartz, et al. 2023, Displacement Error Characteristics of 500-hPa Cutoff Lows in Operational GFS Forecasts. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 38, Issue 10.
ASOS2023-10-01Kahl, J. 2023, Weathergami. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 104, Issue 10.
VTEC2023-09-08Midway, S., P. Miller. 2023, Heat, hurricanes, and health: Effects of natural disturbances on angling effort. Plos One
ASOS2023-09-01Hu, J., Y. Zhou, et al. 2023, Multi-city assessments of human exposure to extreme heat during heat waves in the United States. Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 295.
ASOS2023-09-01Shrestha, B., J. Wang, et al. 2023, Winter Precipitation Type from Microwave Radiometers in New York State Mesonet Profiler Network. Weather and Forecasting Volume 38, Issue 9.
ARCHIVE2023-08-18Stella, J. 2023, Modeling Alex Hurricane: flood map simulation applying Multisensor grid precipitation, Monterrey, Mexico. Revista Ambiente and Aqua.
ASOS1MIN2023-08-01Kim, J., M. Amodeo, et al. 2023, Atlas of probabilistic extreme precipitation based on the early 21st century records in the United States. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. Volume 48
ASOS1MIN2023-08-01Kim, J., M. Amodeo, et al. 2023, Atlas of probabilistic extreme precipitation based on the early 21st century records in the United States. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies Volume 48, 101480.
ASOS2023-07-26Aby, G., D. Maier. 2023, Number of Sensors Needed to Achieve Reliable Aeration Cooling During the Fall Harvest and Monitoring of Grain Quality During the Non-Aerated Storage Period Based on Predicted Temperatures in a Grain Mass Using Cable-Based Sensors Versus Wireless Sensors.
ISUSM2023-06-01Valasquez, N., F. Quintero, et al. 2023, Snow-detonated floods: Assessment of the U.S. midwest march 2019 event. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. Volume 47.
CLIMODAT2023-04-30Pierce, S., K. Schilling. 2023, Nutrient retention in tile-fed and non-tile reconstructed oxbows in north central Iowa. JAWRA Volume 59, Issue 5.
IEMRE2023-04-07Laurent, A., Cleveringa, A., Fey, S. et al. Late-season corn stalk nitrate measurements across the US Midwest from 2006 to 2018. Sci Data 10, 192 .
VTEC2023-04-01Krocak, M., J. Ripberger, et al. 2023, Public Information Priorities across Weather Hazards and Time Scales. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 104, Issue 4.
NWSTEXT2023-04-01Sandstrom, J., J. Cordeira, et al. 2023, A Climatology of Easterly Wind Lake-Effect and Lake-Enhanced Precipitation Events over the Western Lake Superior Region. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 62, Issue 4
IEMRE2023-03-15Walker, V., V. Wallace, et al. 2023, From field observations to temporally dynamic soil surface roughness retrievals in the U.S. Corn Belt. Remote Sensing of the Environment. Volume 287.
ASOS2023-03-01Ford, W., E. Thorne, et al. 2023, Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Nightly Acoustic Count Values as Weight of Evidence of Bat Maternity Activity. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 10:100–106
CLIMODAT2023-02-10Hall, S., C. Tenesaca, et al. 2023, Poorly drained depressions can be hotspots of nutrient leaching from agricultural soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. Volume 52, Issue 3
MOSAIC2023-02-09LeGrand, S., T. Letcher, et al. 2023, Application of a satellite-retrieved sheltering parameterization (v1.0) for dust event simulation with WRF-Chem v4.1. Geoscientific Model Development
ISUSM2023-01-28Birru, G., A. Shiferaw, et al. 2023, Simulated impacts of winter rye cover crop on continuous corn yield and soil parameters. Agronomy Journal. Volume 113, Issue 3.
ASOS2023-01-03Broomandi, P., K. Mohammadpour, et al. 2023, A Synoptic- and Remote Sensing-based Analysis of a Severe Dust Storm Event over Central Asia. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. Volume 23.
ASOS2023-01-01Rabinovich, A., J. Sepic, et al. 2023, Strength in Numbers: The Tail End of Typhoon Songda Combines with Local Cyclones to Generate Extreme Sea Level Oscillations on the British Columbia and Washington Coasts during Mid-October 2016. Journal of Physical Oceanography. Volume 53, Issue 1


ASOS2022-12-14Figel, S., R. Gonzalez. 2022, Water Temperature Suitability for Steelhead Trout(Oncorhynchusmykiss) in Codornices Creek. Unive California Berkeley. UC Berkeley.
ASOS1MIN2022-12-01Kim, J., E. Shu, et al. 2022, Assessment of the standard precipitation frequency estimates in the United States. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. Volume 44
CLIMODAT2022-11-27Field, E., J. Shepard, et al. 2022, Semi-field and surveillance data define the natural diapause timeline for Culex pipiens across the United States. Commun Biol 5, 1300
NWSTEXT2022-10-26Bjarke, N., J. Barsugli, et al. 2022, When record breaking heat waves should not surprise: skewness, heavy tails and implications for risk assessment. ESS Open Archive
WINDROSE2022-09-17Moqaddam, A., A. Jahangirian. 2022, Aerodynamic Evaluation and Modification of Tehran International Tower Section Exposed to Annual Winds. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering 54(11).
CLIMODAT2022-09-10Gan, Y., Y. Zhang, et al. 2022, Assimilation of blended in situ-satellite snow water equivalent into the National Water Model for improving hydrologic simulation in two US river basins. Science of the Total Environment.Volume 838, Part 4.
ASOS2022-09-01Hassanpour, B., N. Blair, et al. 2022, Metabolomics analysis of unresolved molecular variability in stoichiometry dynamics of a stream dissolved organic matter. Water Research, Volume 223. 118923.
MOS2022-08-01Lang, V., T. Turner, et al. 2022, Predicting Peak Wind Gusts during Specific Weather Types with the Meteorologically Stratified Gust Factor Model. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 37, Issue 8.
WINDROSE2022-06-04Marity, R., M. Venkateshwarlu, et al. 2022, Mineral magnetic and geochemical characterization of the dust and soils around Mejia Thermal Power Plant, West Bengal: Implications to source apportionment. J Earth Syst Sci 131, 138
ASOS2022-06-02Mitchell, T., P. Knapp, et al. 2022, Observations on the Frequency, Duration, and Geographical Extent of Summertime Cold-Front Activity in the Southeastern USA: 1973–2020. MDPI Meteorology Volume 1, Issue 2.
NWSTEXT2022-05-27Hoover, B., J. Otkin. 2022, Alaska through Kriging-Based Merging of Rain Gauges and Short-Range Regional Precipitation Forecasts. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Volume 39, Issue 6.
ASOS2022-05-18Davis, Robert E., Elizabeth K. Driskill, and Wendy M. Novicoff. 2022. The association between weather and emergency department visitation for diabetes in Roanoke, Virginia. International Journal of Biometeorology 66.8
WINDROSE2022-05-01La Peyre, M, S. Leblanc Buie, et al. 2022, Long-term assessments are critical to determining persistence and shoreline protection from oyster reef nature-based coastal defenses. Ecological Engineering. Volume 178.
ASOS2022-02-14Davies, A., J. Smith, et al. 2022, Sustained Wind Forcing and Water Level Anomalies in Annapolis, Maryland. Earth Interactions. Volume 26, Issue 1.
ASOS2022-02-02Ellis, A., S. Keighton, et al. 2022, Analysis of Model Thermal Profile Forecasts Associated with Winter Mixed Precipitation within the United States Mid-Atlantic Region. J. Operational Meteor., 10 (1), 1-17.
ASOS2022-01-01Davies, A., J. Smith, et al. 2022, Sustained Wind Forcing and Water Level Anomalies in Annapolis, Maryland. Earth Interactions. Volume 26, Issue 1.
CLIMODAT2022-01-01Chen, A. 2022, Evaluating cool-season turfgrasses as potential perennial groundcover for maize production systems. Iowa State University Dissertation
ASOS2022-01-01Bailey, R., K. Bieger, et al. 2022, Evaluating the contribution of subsurface drainage to watershed water yield using SWAT+ with groundwater modeling. Science of The Total Environment. Volume 802
CLIMODAT2022-01-01Schilling, K., M. Streeter, et al. 2022, Subsurface Nitrate Processing Beneath Drainageways: Are They Landscape Opportunities for Subsurface Drainage Remediation? Journal of the ASABE 65(5): 985-995


VTEC2021-12-20Orla-Braile, M., F. Cannon, et al. 2021, A Climatology of Narrow Cold-Frontal Rainbands in Southern California. GRL. Volume 49, Issue 2
ASOS2021-12-01Feng, J., X. Cai, et al. 2021, Characterising the nocturnal surface and canopy heat islands in Oklahoma City, USA according to the atmospheric stability. Urban Climate, Volume 40, 101008
ASOS2021-12-01Montazeri, A., A. Lilienthal, et al. 2021, A spatial land use clustering framework for investigating the role of land use in mediating the effect of meteorology on urban air quality. Atmospheric Environment: X Volume 12.
PIREPS2021-10-10Splitt, M., M. Hennard, et al. 2021, Survey of General Aviation Pilot Reports (PIREPs) Conformity, Consistency, and Quality. J. Operational Meteor., 9 (6), 76-88.
COW2021-10-01Nowotarski, C., J. Spotts, et al. 2021, Tornadoes in Hurricane Harvey. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 36, Issue 5.
WINDROSE2021-10-01Oaks, W., K. Flora, et al. 2021, Eulerian numerical modeling of contaminant transport in Lower Manhattan, New York City, from a point-source release under the dominant wind condition: Insights gained via LES. Atmospheric Environment. Volume 262.
CLIMODAT2021-09-07Ansarifar, J., L. Wang, et al. 2021, An interaction regression model for crop yield prediction. Sci Rep 11, 17754.
CLIMODAT2021-09-07Phillips, X, Y. Kandel, et al. 2021, Impact of Foliar Fungicides on Frogeye Leaf Spot Severity, Radiation Use Efficiency and Yield of Soybean in Iowa. Agronomy 2021, 11(9), 1785.
ASOS2021-09-01Abbasi, H., C. Opp, et al. 2021, Wind regime and aeolian sand transport in Khuzestan Sand Sea. Aeolian Research. Volume 53
ASOS2021-09-01Wang, J., J. Brotzge, et al. 2021, Enhancing Icing Detection and Characterization Using the New York State Mesonet. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Volume 38, Issue 9.
LSR2021-09-01Hill, A. and R. Schumacher. 2021, Forecasting Excessive Rainfall with Random Forests and a Deterministic Convection-Allowing Model. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 36, Issue 5.
ASOS2021-08-09Avendano, S., D. Harp, et al. 2021, Continental-Scale Geographic Trends in Barometric-Pumping Efficiency Potential: A North American Case Study. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 48, Issue 17.
ASOS2021-08-05Carlin, J., H. Reeves, et al. 2021, Polarimetric Observations and Simulations of Sublimating Snow: Implications for Nowcasting. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 60, Issue 8.
LSR2021-08-01Hill, A., C. Weiss, et al. 2021, Influence of a Portable Near-Surface Observing Network on Experimental Ensemble Forecasts of Deep Convection Hazards during VORTEX-SE. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 36, Issue 4.
WINDROSE2021-08-01Grout, R. 2021, Geomorphological responses of Biloxi Marsh platform due to variation in the volume and distribution of marsh-edge shell ridges during cold fronts and tropical storms. University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 2917.
ASOS2021-07-06Priya, K., R. Nadimpalli, et al. 2021, Do increasing horizontal resolution and downscaling approaches produce a skillful thunderstorm forecast? Nat Hazards 109, 1655–1674
ASOS2021-06-16Jorge, M,, S. Sweeten, et al. 2021, Fire, land cover, and temperature drivers of bat activity in winter. fire ecol 17, 19
ISUSM2021-06-15Ordonez, R., M. Castellano, et al. 2021, Insufficient and excessive N fertilizer input reduces maize root mass across soil types. Field Crops Research.
ASOS2021-06-01Carson-Marquis, B., J. Zhang, et al. 2021, Improving WRF-Chem Meteorological Analyses and Forecasts over Aerosol-Polluted Regions by Incorporating NAAPS Aerosol Analyses. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 60, Issue 6
CLIMODAT2021-05-19Schilling, K., M. Streeter, et al. 2021, Aquifer lithology affects shallow groundwater quality more than nitrogen fertilizer form and placement method in an Iowa agricultural field. Agrosystems, Geosciences, Environment. Volume 4, Issue 2.
ASOS2021-03-29Letcher, T., S. LeGrand, et al. 2021, Applying a Physically Based Blowing Snow Diagnostic Parameterization to Improve Wintertime Visibility Forecasts in the WRF Model. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 36, Issue 2.
ASOS2021-03-29Letcher, T., S. LeGrand, et al. 2021, Applying a Physically Based Blowing Snow Diagnostic Parameterization to Improve Wintertime Visibility Forecasts in the WRF Model. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 36, Issue 2.
ISUSM2021-03-10Plumier, B., D. Maier. 2021, Effect of Temperature Sensor Numbers and Placement on Aeration Cooling of a Stored Grain Mass Using a 3D Finite Element Model. Agriculture 2021, 11, 231.
CLIMODAT2021-03-05Basso, B., R. Martinez-Feria, et al. 2021, Contrasting long-term temperature trends reveal minor changes in projected potential evapotranspiration in the US Midwest. Nature Communications 12, Article number: 1476
CLIMODAT2021-03-01Gan, Y., Y. Zhang, et al. 2021, Evaluation and blending of ATMS and AMSR2 snow water equivalent retrievals over the conterminous United States. Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 254
ISUSM2021-02-26Plumier, B., D. Maier. 2021, Effect of Temperature Sensor Numbers and Placement on Aeration Cooling of a Stored Grain Mass Using a 3D Finite Element Model. Agriculture Volume 11, Issue 3
ASOS2021-02-22Dutrieux, S.C.M. Predicting Floght Delay Distributions. A Machine Learning-Based Approach at a Regional Airport. Master of Science, Delft University.
NWSTEXT2021-01-16Kendall, M., B. Williams, et al. 2021, Winds, waves, warm waters, weekdays, and which ways boats are counted influence predicted visitor use at an offshore fishing destination. Fisheries Research. Volume 237, May 2021, 105879
IEMRE2021-01-15Shahhosseini, M., G. Hu, et al. 2021, Coupling machine learning and crop modeling improves crop yield prediction in the US Corn Belt. Scientific Reports 11, Article Number:1606


CLIMODAT2020-11-01Schilling, K., M. Streeter, et al. 2020, Subsurface nutrient export from a cropped field to an agricultural stream: Implications for targeting edge-of-field practices. Agricultural Weather Management. Volume 241.
ASOS2020-10-13Ardon-Dryer, K., Y. Dryer, et al. 2020, Measurements of PM2.5 with PurpleAir under atmospheric conditions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Volume 13, Issue 10.
CLIMODAT2020-08-09Biederman, L., S. Weldon, et al. 2020, Precipitation contributes to plant height, but not reproductive effort, for western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak & Bowles): Evidence from herbarium records. Ecology and Evolution. Volume 10, Issue 17.
WINDROSE2020-08-01Xiong, L. Delineating Coastal Erosion and Landslide Using GNSS, LiDAR, and UAV-Borne Photogrammetry Integrated Methods. Dissertation University of Houston.
ISUSM2020-07-16Rosli, H., J. Batzer, et al. 2020, Precipitation Impacts Dissemination of Three Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Taxa on Apple Fruit. APS Online.
ASOS2020-07-08Lopez Prol, J., O. Sungim. 2020, Impact of COVID-19 measures on electricity consumption. MPRA Paper.
VTEC2020-04-01Bunkers, M., S. Fleegel, et al. 2020, Observations of Hail–Wind Ratios from Convective Storm Reports across the Continental United States. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 35, Issue 2
VTEC2020-03-01Cho, J., J. Kurdzo. 2020, Weather Radar Network Benefit Model for Flash Flood Casualty Reduction. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 59, Issue 4.
CLIMODAT2020-02-19Martinez-Feria, R., B. Basso. 2020, Unstable crop yields reveal opportunities for site-specific adaptations to climate variability. Sci Rep 10, 2885.
ASOS2020-01-30Simonson, J., S. Birkel, et al. 2020, WRF Simulation, Model Sensitivity, and Analysis of the December 2013 New England Ice Storm. arXiv:2001.11375 .
VTEC2020-01-01Bradley, P. 2020, Reducing Tornado Warning False Alarm Rates across the National Weather Service Memphis County Warning Area. lectronic Theses and Dissertations. 2128
ASOS2020-01-01Kenyon, J., D. Keyser, et al. 2020, The Motion of Mesoscale Snowbands in Northeast U.S. Winter Storms. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 35, Issue 1.


VTEC2019-12-09Lawhorn, B., R. Balling Jr. 2019, Temporal and spatial variations in freeze warnings in the conterminous United States: 2005–2018. Theor Appl Climatol 139, 1379–1384
NWSTEXT2019-10-01Sutton, J., S. Renshaw. 2019, Getting the Word Out, Rain or Shine: The Impact of Message Features and Hazard Context on Message Passing Online. Weather, Climate, and Society. Volume 11, Issue 4
ASOS2019-10-01Tobin, D., M. Kumjian, et al. 2019, Characteristics of Recent Vehicle-Related Fatalities during Active Precipitation in the United States. Weather, Climate, and Society. Volume 11, Issue 4.
ASOS2019-10-01Ramirez, B., S. Hoff, et al. 2019, Thermal environment sensor array: Part 2 applying the data to assess grow-finish pig housing. Biosystems Engineering. Colume 174, Pages 341-351.
ASOS2019-09-17Bhattachan, A., G. Okin, et al. 2019, Characterizing the Role of Wind and Dust in Traffic Accidents in California. GeoHeath. Volume 3, Issue 10
VTEC2019-08-01Sobash, R., C. Schwartz, et al. 2019, Next-Day Prediction of Tornadoes Using Convection-Allowing Models with 1-km Horizontal Grid Spacing. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 34, Issue 4.
CLIMODAT2019-07-16Tokarz, R., R. Smith. 2019, Crossover Dynamics of Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) Vector Populations Determine WNV Transmission Intensity. Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 57, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 289–296
COW2019-07-01Rhys Lim, J., B. Fisher Liu, et al. 2019, Cry Wolf Effect? Evaluating the Impact of False Alarms on Public Responses to Tornado Alerts in the Southeastern United States. Weather, Climate, and Society. Volume 11, Issue 3
ASOS2019-06-18Rashki, A., D. Kaskaoutis. 2019, Assessment of the dust sources over Central and Southwest Asia with emphasis on the Sistan dust storms. E3S Web Conf. Volume 99, 2019
VTEC2019-05-01Cho, J., and J. Kurdzo. 2019, Weather Radar Network Benefit Model for Tornadoes. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 58, Issue 5.
ASOS2019-03-01Baeumler, N., J. Kjaersgaard, et al. 2019, Evapotranspiration from Corn, Soybean, and Prairie Grasses using the METRIC Model. Agronomy Journal, Volume 111, Issue 2.
ASOS2019-03-01Stevens, S. 2019, Trends in Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Conditions at Major Airports in the United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 58, Issue 3.


ASOS2018-11-26Lundquist, J., K. DuVivier, et al. 2018, Costs and consequences of wind turbine wake effects arising from uncoordinated wind energy development. Nat Energy 4, 26–34
VTEC2018-10-12Cordeira, J. M. Neureuter, et al. 2018, Atmospheric Rivers and National Weather Service Watches, Warnings, and Advisories Issued Over California 2007–2016. J. Operational Meteor., 6 (8)
VTEC2018-10-01Naylor, J., A. Sexton. 2018, The Relationship between Severe Weather Warnings, Storm Reports, and Storm Cell Frequency in and around Several Large Metropolitan Areas. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 33, Issue 5.
VTEC2018-10-01Bedka, K., E. Murillo, et al. 2018, The Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume: An Important Severe Weather Indicator in Visible and Infrared Satellite Imagery. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 33, Issue 5.
CLIMODAT2018-10-01Schilling, K., M. Streeter, et al. 2018, Subsurface nutrient processing capacity in agricultural roadside ditches. Science of the Total Environment. Volumes 637-638
ASOS2018-08-01Bieniek, P., U. Bhatt, et al. 2018, Assessment of Alaska Rain-on-Snow Events Using Dynamical Downscaling. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 57, Issue 8.
ISUSM2018-07-27Leandro, L., A. Robertson, et al. 2018, Climatic and Environmental Trends Observed During Epidemic and Non-epidemic Years of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome in Iowa. APS Online
CLIMODAT2018-07-27Kandel, Y., D. Mueller, et al. 2018, Analyses of Yield and Economic Response from Foliar Fungicide and Insecticide Applications to Soybean in the North Central United States. APS Online.
ASOS2018-07-04Knight, M, M. Nunes. 2018, Long memory estimation for complex-valued time series. Stat Comput 29, 517–536
WINDROSE2018-04-14Arruda, A., J. Sanhueza, et al. 2018, Assessment of area spread of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus in three clusters of swine farms. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases.
ASOS2018-03-21Gonzalez, C., R. Ynoue, et al. 2018, High-resolution air quality modeling in a medium-sized city in the tropical Andes: Assessment of local and global emissions in understanding ozone and PM10 dynamics. Atmospheric Pollution Research. Volume 9, Issue 5
ASOS2018-03-01Bonsell, C., K. Dunton. 2018, Long-term patterns of benthic irradiance and kelp production in the central Beaufort sea reveal implications of warming for Arctic inner shelves. Progress in Oceanography. Volume 162
CLIMODAT2018-01-16Schilling, K., M. Streeter, et al. 2018, Groundwater monitoring at the watershed scale: An evaluation of recharge and nonpoint source pollutant loading in the Clear Creek Watershed, Iowa. Hydrological Processes. Volume 32. Issue 4
PIREPS2018-01-01Barber, K., G. Mullendore, et al. 2018, Out-of-Cloud Convective Turbulence: Estimation Method and Impacts of Model Resolution. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 57, Issue 1


CLIMODAT2017-11-17Schilling, K., M. Streeter. 2017, Groundwater Nutrient Concentrations and Mass Loading Rates at Iowa Golf Courses. JAWRA. Volume 54, Issue 1
ASOS2017-11-15Sreehanth, V., B. Mahesh, et al. 2017, Satellite remote sensing of fine particulate air pollutants over Indian mega cities. Advances in Space Research. Volume 60, Issue 10
MOSAIC2017-08-23Roberge, M., M. McQuire, et al. 2017, HydroCloud: A Web Application for Exploring Stream Gage Data. Software Metapapers Vol 5, No 1
ASOS2017-07-24Ghaderi, A., B. Sanandaji, et al. 2017, Deep Forecast: Deep Learning-based Spatio-Temporal Forecasting. arXiv:1707.08110 [cs.LG]
VTEC2017-05-15Van Den Broeke, M. 2017, Potential Tornado Warning Improvement Resulting from Utilization of the TDS in the Warning Decision Process. J. Operational Meteor., 5 (10), 121-13
CLIMODAT2017-03-01Poffenbarger, H., D. Barker, et al. 2017, Maximum soil organic carbon storage in Midwest U.S. cropping systems when crops are optimally nitrogen-fertilized. PLOS One.


CLIMODAT2016-12-01Koford, R., G. Dodici, et al. 2016, Influence of patch shape on mallard nest survival in northern Iowa. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Volume 40, Issue 4
MOSAIC2016-12-01Fairman, J., and D. Schultz, et al. 2016, Climatology of Banded Precipitation over the Contiguous United States. Monthly Weather Review. Volume 144, Issue 12.
ARCHIVE2016-11-24Bechle, A., C. Wu, et al. 2016, Meteotsunamis in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Sci Rep 6, 37832
COW2016-11-01Mazon, J., C. Castro, et al. 2016, Objective Climatological Analysis of Extreme Weather Events in Arizona during the North American Monsoon. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Volume 55, Issue 11.
CLIMODAT2016-10-29Schilling, K, P. Jacobson, et al. 2016, Groundwater Hydrology and Quality in Drained Wetlands of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa. Wetlands 38, 247–259
NWSTEXT2016-10-01Barjenbruch, K., C. Werner, et al. 2016, Drivers' Awareness of and Response to Two Significant Winter Storms Impacting a Metropolitan Area in the Intermountain West: Implications for Improving Traffic Flow in Inclement Weather. Weather, Climate, and Society. Volume 8, Issue 4
MOSAIC2016-08-01Stephan, C., M. Alexander, et al. 2016, A Case Study on the Far-Field Properties of Propagating Tropospheric Gravity Waves. Monthly Weather Review. Volume 144, Issue 8.
ASOS2016-08-01Makowski, J., T. Grafenauer. 2016, Verification of a Blowing Snow Model with Utility for Decision Support Services. NWS Central Region Technical Attachment.
ISUSM2016-07-01Hornbuckle, B., J. Patton, et al. 2016, SMOS optical thickness changes in response to the growth and development of crops, crop management, and weather. Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 180.
MOSAIC2016-03-01Schleiss, M. 2016, A Geostatistical Framework for Quantifying the Temporal Evolution and Predictability of Rainfall Fields. Journal of Hydrometeorology. Volume 17, Issue 3.


VTEC2015-12-16Bruick, Z., C. Karstens. 2015, An Investigation of Local and National NWS Warning Outbreaks for Severe Convective Events. J. Operational Meteor., 5 (2), 14-25
ISUSM2015-12-01Ghayekhloo, M., M. Ghofrani, et al. 2015, A novel clustering approach for short-term solar radiation forecasting. Solar Energy. Volume 122, Pages 1371-1383.
VTEC2015-12-01Nielsen, E., G. Herman, et al. 2015, Double Impact: When Both Tornadoes and Flash Floods Threaten the Same Place at the Same Time. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 30, Issue 6
CLIMODAT2015-11-01Enderson, J., A. Mallarino, et al. 2015, Soybean Yield Response to Foliar-Applied Micronutrients and Relationships among Soil and Tissue Tests. Agronomy Journal. Volume 107, Issue 6.
NWSTEXT2015-11-01Warrier, R., C. Hall, et al. 2015, Noble Gas Composition in Rainwater and Associated Weather Patterns.
ASOS2015-10-05Fang, J., C. Su, et al. 2015, A hidden Markov model representing the spatial and temporal correlation of multiple wind farms. 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
WINDROSE2015-05-01Quast, R. 2015, A NEW WAY TO CONNECT TO TRAVEL. Thesis North Dakota State.
ISUSM2015-04-04Boersma, N., F. Dohleman, et al. 2015, Autumnal leaf senescence in Miscanthus × giganteus and leaf [N] differ by stand age. Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 66, Issue 14.
ASOS2015-02-01Spies, R., K. Franz, et al. 2015, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Using Satellite-Derived Potential Evapotranspiration. Journal of Hydrometeorology. Volume 16, Issue 1.
CLIMODAT2015-01-01Mourtzinis, S. J. Gaska, et al. 2015, Effect of Seed Mass and Emergence Delay on Soybean Yield and Quality. Agronomy Journal. Volume 107, Issue 1


MOSAIC2014-11-01Trier, S., C. Davis, et al. 2014, Mechanisms Governing the Persistence and Diurnal Cycle of a Heavy Rainfall Corridor. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Volume 71, Issue 11.
VTEC2014-10-01Ripberger, J., H. Jenkins-Smith, et al. 2014, Social Media and Severe Weather: Do Tweets Provide a Valid Indicator of Public Attention to Severe Weather Risk Communication? Weather, Climate, and Society. Volume 6, Issue 4.
NWSTEXT2014-08-01Hoekstra, S., A. Nichols, et al. 2014, How K-12 School District and university officials Anticipated and Responded to 2011 National Weather Service Tornado Warnings. International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters. Volume 32, Issue 2.
NWSTEXT2014-07-01Flores, L., J. Aceituno. 2014, Monitoring the Effects of Saharan Dust Storms on Perceptible Water Over the East Region of Puerto Rico. Universidad de Puerto Rico.
COW2014-06-01Blair, S., J. Leighton. 2014, Assessing Real-Time Tornado Information Disseminated through NWS Products. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 29, Issue 3.
VTEC2014-06-01Cintieno, J., M. Pavolonis, et al. 2014, An Empirical Model for Assessing the Severe Weather Potential of Developing Convection. Weather and Forecasting. Volume 29, Issue 3.
NWSTEXT2014-05-01Carey, L, et al. 2014, Early characteristics of the polarimetric tornadic debris signature associated with the 20 May 2013 Newcastle–Moore, Oklahoma, tornado. Journal of Operational Meteorology 2(10):110-114
ISUSM2014-01-28Wilson, D., E. Heaton, et al. 2014, Establishment and Short-term Productivity of Annual and Perennial Bioenergy Crops Across a Landscape Gradient. Bioenerg. Res. 7, 885–898


CLIMODAT2013-11-06Diaz Arlas, M., G. Munkvold, et al. 2013, Distribution and Frequency of Fusarium Species Associated with Soybean Roots in Iowa. APS Online. Volume 97, Issue 12.
ARCHIVE2013-09-01Knox, J., J. Rackley, et al. 2013, Tornado Debris Characteristics And Trajectories During The 27 April 2011 Super Outbreak As Determined Using Social Media Data. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 94, Issue 9.
MOSAIC2013-05-01Makowski, J., D. MacGorman, et al. 2013, Total Lightning Characteristics Relative to Radar and Satellite Observations of Oklahoma Mesoscale Convective Systems. Monthly Weather Review. Volume 141, Issue 5
WINDROSE2013-05-01Rajewski, D., E. Takle, et al. 2013, Crop Wind Energy Experiment (CWEX): Observations of Surface-Layer, Boundary Layer, and Mesoscale Interactions with a Wind Farm. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 94, Issue 5.
CLIMODAT2013-04-03Jha, M, P. Gassman. 2013, Changes in hydrology and streamflow as predicted by a modelling experiment forced with climate models. Hydrological Processes. Volume 28, Issue 5, Pages 2772-2781


ASOS2012-07-29Uilk, N. 2012, Combine Fires Events Under Hot Dry Harvest Conditions. 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting
MOSAIC2012-04-26Just, C., M. Muste, et al. 2012, Clear Creek Environmental Hydrologic Observatory: Adaptive Sensor Network. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat
ISUSM2012-01-01Meade, K. 2012, Genetic dissection of canonical models of maize kernel growth and development. Iowa State University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,  2012. 3561191.


ASOS2011-08-04Babazadeh, H., W. Gao, et al. 2011, Controller design for a Hybrid Energy Storage System enabling longer battery life in wind turbine generators. 2011 North American Power Symposium.
MOSAIC2011-03-17Lawson, J., C. Potvin, et al. 2011, The Vice and Virtue of Increased Horizontal Resolution in Ensemble Forecasts of Tornadic Thunderstorms in Low-CAPE, High-Shear Environments. Monthly Weather Review. Volume 149, Issue 4.


ISUSM2010-11-01De Bruin, J., J. Singer, et al. 2010, Soybean Photosynthetic Rate and Carbon Fixation at Early and Late Planting Dates. Crop Science
ISUSM2010-11-01De Bruin, J., J. Singer, et al. 2010, Soybean Photosynthetic Rate and Carbon Fixation at Early and Late Planting Dates. Crop Science. Volume 50, Issue 6
ISUSM2010-09-01Malone, R., D. Jaynes, et al. 2010, Soil-Test N Recommendations Augmented with PEST-Optimized RZWQM Simulations. Surface Water Quality.
ISUSM2010-08-01Wasko, L. 2010, Alternative weed management practices: Effects on weed control, grapevine performance, and soil quality in an established midwestern vineyard. Iowa State University Masters Thesis
CLIMODAT2010-02-15Parkin, T. and J. Hatfield. 2010, Influence of nitrapyrin on N2O losses from soil receiving fall-applied anhydrous ammonia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 136, Issues 1–2,
ARCHIVE2010-02-01Duda, J., W. Gallus Jr. 2010, Spring and Summer Midwestern Severe Weather Reports in Supercells Compared to Other Morphologies. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 25, Issue 1.
MOSAIC2010-02-01Duda, J. and W. Gallus Jr. 2010, Spring and Summer Midwestern Severe Weather Reports in Supercells Compared to Other Morphologies. Weather And Forecasting.
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