This presentation was made before the Central Iowa Severe Storms Conference in Des Moines, IA on 22 March 2002.

The PowerPoint file can be downloaded here.

Click here to start

Table of contents

Iowa Environmental Mesonet

IEM Timeline

Slide 3

What we are lacking

PowerPoint Presentation

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Web site Usage

Types of users

Current Data Collection

Data reliability (since June 1)

Data storage

Spurring research

Future of the IEM

Slide 17

Slide 18

Automated Stations

Slide 20

Slide 21

Slide 22

Slide 23

Slide 24

Slide 25

Spurring research (undergrad)

Station density Do we have enough??

Maximum temperature

Relative humidity



Potential Users


Improve collaboration among scientists and managers to enhance the effectiveness of observation networks, monitoring, prediction, information delivery, and applied research and to foster public understanding of and preparedness for drought. Goal 2 National Drought Policy Commission “Preparing for Drought in the 21st Century”

Current Products What do we have now?

Data Requests/Issues

SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network)

Slide 38

ISU Automated Network Soil Temp.

ISU Automated Network Solar Rad.

Author: Dennis Todey

