Past IEM Features tagged: nov23
95% of Monthly Total
04 Dec 2023 09:58 PMFor November, the Ames COOP site southeast of town reported a total of 0.84 inches of precipitation. 0.8 inches of that total came on one day (6 AM 24-hour total), the 26th. This means that 95% of the monthly total came with that one daily report. The featured chart presents the monthly frequency of having one day's total be at least 95% of that months reported total. The most recent year that this occurred is labelled along with the overall frequency. While this is not common, the months of February and November show the highest frequencies. It is interesting to see no occurrences during April and May, which is likely due to a combination of not seeing extreme rainfall totals and a higher frequency of daily rainfall events.
Good: 8
Bad: 1
Tags: nov23
November Goose Eggs
30 Nov 2023 09:21 PMWith the goose egg being a colloquialism to represent the shape of the number zero, a number of locations over northwestern Iowa ended up with zero precipitation for the month of November. The featured map presents NOAA MRMS based estimates for the month. The white area represents an amount less than the minimum possible measurement of 0.01 inches. Actual observed reports in the area confirm this RADAR-based estimate with places like Spencer not even reporting a trace for the month. Things continue to look rather dire for improvements to the ongoing drought situation and the impacts from decreased surface water flows are increasing.
Good: 15
Bad: 0
Tags: nov23