Past IEM Features tagged: apr18
Lowest Average April Dew Point
15 May 2018 05:33 AMIt is remarkable how May has turned out different than April. Humidity and storms returned in full force after a noticeable absence during April. Not only was it one of the coldest Aprils on record, it was also low for humidity. The featured chart displays the monthly average dew point temperature for Des Moines. The 2018 value is well below any previous April.
Good: 8
Bad: 0
Tags: apr18
Dry April for Southern Iowa
01 May 2018 05:34 AMApril has come to a merciful end for Iowa. What a month! The first two thirds of the month were nearly the coldest on record with round after round of heavy snow fall over northern Iowa. The featured map looks at precipitation total ranks by climate district based on IEM estimated values. This analysis places southeastern Iowa as having the second driest April since 1893. As is typically the case for these types of plots, one needs not look very far to find wet areas over central Wisconsin and especially eastern Ohio. It will be interesting to see how much rain falls this week from the storms that are in the forecast.
Good: 11
Bad: 0
Tags: apr18
Two Top Ten April Lows
17 Apr 2018 05:34 AMTo say that this April has been chilly thus far is a bit of an understatement. The featured chart displays the top ten coldest daily low temperatures for Mason City. Two days so far this month are shown within the top ten for April! The 1 thru 15 April period has been the coldest or nearly the coldest on record for almost all sites in the state. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but first another snow storm is expected before much warmer temperatures arrive and hopefully stick around for a while!
Good: 9
Bad: 1
Tags: apr18