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ASUS63 KABR 011720

Supplemental Temperature and Precipitation Table
National Weather Service Aberdeen SD
1115 AM CST Sun Dec 01 2024

Values represent highs yesterday, lows over the last 12 hours
ending at 6 AM CST, and precipitation over the last 24 hours
ending at 6 AM CST.

Snow depth is measured daily and is valid as of 6 AM CST.
:Minnesota and South Dakota
:Temperature and precipitation stations
:       Station              Max / Min  / 24 hr   / Snow  /  Snow
:        Name                Temp/ Temp / Pcpn    / Fall  /  Depth
:South Dakota
ABR  : Aberdeen            :  16 /  -3 /     T /     T /    1
MBG  : Mobridge AP         :  21 /  13 /     T /     T /    T 
PIR  : Pierre Regional AP  :  22 /  15 /     T /     T /    T
8D3  : Sisseton AP         :  13 /   0 /  0.00 /   0.0 /    1
ATY  : Watertown Regional  :  12 /  -2 /     T /     T /    1
VVV  : Ortonville          :  12 /   3 /     M /     M /    M
ETH  : Wheaton             :   9 /   1 /     M /     M /    M

:Minnesota and South Dakota Cooperative Weather Observer
:Temperature and Precipitation Reports
:Values are for the past 24 hours ending between 6 am and 8 am.
:      Station           Report  Max / Min  / 24 hr  /  Snow / Snow
:       Name              Time   Temp  Temp /  Pcpn  /  Fall / Depth
BRIS2:  Britton         : DH0700/  10 /  -8  /  0.00  /   0.0 /   1
CLWS2:  Castlewood COOP : DH0800/  14 /  -3  /    T   /    T  /   M
CAKS2:  Clark No 2      : DH0600/  12 /   2  /  0.00  /     M /   3
FAUS2:  Faulkton 1NW    : DH0800/  18 /   6  /  0.00  /   0.0 /   0
GNVS2:  Gann Valley     : DH0710/  21 /   8  /  0.02  /   0.3 /   M
MLBS2:  Milbank         : DH0730/  11 /  -1  /    T   /    T  /  T 
MURS2:  Murdo           : DH0900/  21 /  14  /  0.00  /     M /   M
:Minnesota and South Dakota Cooperative Weather Observer
:24 hour precipitation - These stations report precipitation only.
:       Station                  Report    24 hr  /  Snow /  Snow
:        Name                     Time     Pcpn   /  Fall /  Depth

DOLS2:  Doland            :      DH0800/   0.00   /   0.0 /    0
AYES2:  Hayes 6E          :      DH0600/     T    /    T  /   T 
WATS2:  Watertown         :      DH0600/     T    /    T  /    1

These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality 
control by the National Centers for Environmental Information. These 
data are subject to revision. Final and certified data can be 
accessed at

The NWS Central Region is proposing the discontinuation of the 
Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table. If you are a user of 
this product and have comments or questions regarding this proposal, 
please contact: at NWS Central Region 
