Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

06 February 2025 Observation History, [0-724-0-469] SULEJOW, timezone: Europe/Warsaw

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMWNW 733 312695
1:00 AMW 733 322697
2:00 AMW 733 322797
3:00 AMW 233 323397
4:00 AMWSW 433 312896
5:00 AMW 433 322896
6:00 AMW 233 323396
7:00 AMW 433 322996
8:00 AMW 434 332997
9:00 AMWNW 435 333096
10:00 AMWNW 435 333095
11:00 AMWNW 235 343595
12:00 PMNNW 236 353696
1:00 PMNNW 436 353396
2:00 PMN 237 363796
3:00 PMN 437 363494
4:00 PMN 237 353792
5:00 PMN 437 353393
6:00 PMN 235 343595
7:00 PMNNE 235 333596
8:00 PMWNW 233 323397
9:00 PMCalm33 323397
10:00 PMCalm32 313298
11:00 PMWNW 232 313298

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