Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

30 January 2025 Observation History, [0-724-0-348] CIUDAD REAL, timezone: Europe/Madrid

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMWNW 4G 1144 4042860
1:00 AMWSW 6G 1344 414090
1:00 AMWSW 6G 1344 414090
2:00 AMWSW 7G 1443 4138940.03
3:00 AMW 4G 1342 4040940.02
4:00 AMWNW 4G 1142 4039950
4:00 AMWNW 4G 1142 4039950
5:00 AMNW 4G 842 4039950
6:00 AMWNW 4G 842 413997
7:00 AMWNW 6G 1041 393795
8:00 AMNW 5G 1040 3836940
9:00 AMW 4G 940 3836950
10:00 AMW 5G 1142 3938920
11:00 AMNNW 9G 1346 4141830
11:00 AMNNW 9G 1346 4141830
12:00 PMNW 8G 1348 4044740
1:00 PMNW 7G 1651 385160
2:00 PMNNW 12G 2153 3453490
3:00 PMNNW 11G 2154 3154420
4:00 PMNNW 6G 1653 3253440
5:00 PMNNW 9G 1851 3151450
6:00 PMNNW 4G 950 3250500

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Data Notes