Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

11 February 2025 Observation History, [0-643-0-946] IM., timezone: Asia/Yekaterinburg

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
2:00 AMSSW 4-36 -43-5267
2:00 AMWSW 920 14979
2:00 AMNNW 29G 3624 19683
2:00 AMENE 1627 261597
5:00 AMWSW 921 171185
5:00 AMNNW 18G 2522 14773
5:00 AME 20G 2528 261592
8:00 AMSW 7-35 -42-5568
8:00 AMW 13G 2518 10471
8:00 AMWNW 18G 2521 17687
8:00 AME 18G 2228 261692
11:00 AMW 1317 11378
11:00 AMW 1320 16782
11:00 AME 20G 2529 271789
2:00 PMWSW 4-34 -40-4968
2:00 PMW 16G 2720 13674
2:00 PMS 720 171189
2:00 PME 22G 2730 271788
5:00 PMESE 1121 201096
5:00 PMW 1321 16980
5:00 PMENE 22G 2931 281887

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