Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

03 February 2025 Observation History, [0-643-0-653] POLOTSK, timezone: Europe/Minsk

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMS 4-3 -7-1484
12:00 AMWSW 731 292492
12:00 AMSSW 4G 732 312896
3:00 AMS 4-5 -9-1683
3:00 AMCalm29 282994
3:00 AMW 431 292693
6:00 AMSSE 2-4 -8-483
6:00 AMS 2G 427 252793
6:00 AMW 430 282593
9:00 AMSSE 44 -1-680
9:00 AMWNW 229 272990
9:00 AMSSE 4G 429 282593
12:00 PMSSW 43 -1-680
12:00 PMWNW 231 283189
12:00 PMSSE 2G 432 293290
3:00 PMS 22 -1283
3:00 PMSSW 2G 432 293290
3:00 PMWNW 232 293287
6:00 PMS 22 -1286
6:00 PMNNW 230 263088
6:00 PMSSE 7G 930 292494
9:00 PMESE 2-4 -7-485
9:00 PMNNW 229 262988
9:00 PMS 2G 429 282995

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