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24 February 2025 Observation History, [0-578-0-33] TORSVAG LH, timezone: Europe/Oslo

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMS 1242 373681
1:00 AMSSW 1542 373580
2:00 AMSSW 1544 343669
3:00 AMSSW 1544 343668
4:00 AMSSE 2043 343568
5:00 AMSSE 1944 323663
6:00 AMSSE 1744 313760
7:00 AMSE 1346 304053
8:00 AMSSE 1045 293955
9:00 AMS 844 313961
10:00 AMSSE 1946 263945
11:00 AMSSE 1846 273947
12:00 PMS 747 254342
1:00 PMSSE 1246 264145
2:00 PMS 946 274148
3:00 PMSSE 1545 283850
4:00 PMSSE 1644 293754
5:00 PMSSE 1644 293655
6:00 PMSSE 1643 313661
7:00 PMSSE 1844 313660
8:00 PMSSE 1742 353474
9:00 PMSSE 2043 343571
10:00 PMSSE 1944 353670
11:00 PMSSE 1846 343864
Previous Day

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