Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

08 February 2025 Observation History, [0-276-0-962] Hohenpeissenberg, timezone: Europe/Berlin

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMW 7G 1129 252287
1:00 AMW 12G 1531 202264
2:00 AMNW 9G 1331 192363
3:00 AMWNW 9G 1331 182357
4:00 AMWSW 3G 532 172954
5:00 AMESE 8G 1233 172652
6:00 AMESE 10G 1438 183045
7:00 AME 12G 1537 182947
8:00 AME 10G 1337 183045
9:00 AMSE 13G 2139 193144
10:00 AMSE 13G 2343 193638
11:00 AMSE 11G 2046 214137
12:00 PMSE 7G 1747 224337
1:00 PMESE 10G 1845 234042
2:00 PMESE 11G 1649 254539
3:00 PME 9G 1747 264343
4:00 PME 10G 2145 264048
5:00 PMSE 8G 1446 264146
6:00 PMSSE 8G 1644 254047
7:00 PMSSE 15G 2144 263749
8:00 PMS 12G 1643 263751
9:00 PMS 11G 1544 253847
10:00 PMS 10G 1444 253945
11:00 PMSSE 9G 1144 243945

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