Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

08 February 2025 Observation History, [0-124-0-686] Dease Lake, timezone: America/Vancouver

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMNNE 34 -2-3760
1:00 AMNNE 32 -3-5780
1:00 AMNNE 42 -3-778
2:00 AMNNE 32 -4-5760
3:00 AMN 32 -4-5740
4:00 AMENE 3-2 -7-10810
4:00 AMENE 4-2 -7-1281
5:00 AMNE 5-5 -9-16840
6:00 AMENE 5-4 -8-15830
7:00 AMENE 2-5 -9-582
7:00 AMENE 2-5 -9-5820
8:00 AMN 1-10 -14-10810
9:00 AMENE 5-10 -14-22820
10:00 AMENE 7-7 -12-2180
10:00 AMENE 7-7 -12-22800
11:00 AME 3-3 -8-11770
12:00 PMENE 50 -7-10710
1:00 PMENE 26 -3668
1:00 PMENE 26 -36680
2:00 PME 110 -110620
3:00 PMSSW 213 313640
4:00 PMSW 214 31462
4:00 PMSW 214 314620
5:00 PMN 14 -04800
6:00 PMENE 5-1 -5-12840
7:00 PMNNE 3-7 -11-16810
7:00 PMNNE 4-7 -11-1881
8:00 PMENE 5-7 -11-19820

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