Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

12 February 2025 Observation History, [0-124-0-178] BONAVISTA, timezone: America/St_Johns

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:30 AMWNW 39G 4615 5-8660
1:30 AMWNW 41G 4915 5-8640
2:30 AMW 32G 4015 8-7730
2:30 AMW 3215 8-7730
3:30 AMW 38G 4415 7-7690
4:30 AMW 38G 4715 6-7680
5:30 AMW 37G 4616 7-6690
5:30 AMW 3716 7-6690
6:30 AMW 40G 4715 5-8650
7:30 AMW 41G 5214 7-9710
8:30 AMW 39G 4614 4-9650
8:30 AMW 3914 4-9650
9:30 AMW 40G 4815 3-9590
10:30 AMWNW 39G 4716 2-7560
11:30 AMWNW 40G 4617 3-5530
11:30 AMWNW 4017 3-5530
12:30 PMW 40G 4718 3-4510
1:30 PMWNW 40G 4619 5-3540
2:30 PMWNW 37G 4419 3-2500
2:30 PMWNW 3719 3-2500
3:30 PMW 30G 3619 6-0560
4:30 PMW 37G 4319 4-2520
5:30 PMW 3319 6-1570
5:30 PMW 33G 4019 6-1570
6:30 PMW 36G 4318 4-3540
7:30 PMWNW 34G 4117 5-4590
8:30 PMW 35G 4015 5-6630
8:30 PMW 3515 5-6630
9:30 PMWNW 40G 4815 5-7620
10:30 PMWNW 36G 4315 5-7620
11:30 PMWNW 35G 4315 5-6630
11:30 PMWNW 3515 5-6630

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