Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar Download

11 February 2025 Observation History, [USTR] Tyumen, timezone: Asia/Yekaterinburg

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Sky Cond.
(100s ft)
Present Wx Temperature (ºF) Relative
Pressure Snow
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr 6 hr
12:00 AMWSW 206.21 322520 74% 30.150030
USTR 101900Z 24009MPS CAVOK M00/M04 Q1021 R21/190050 R30/190050 NOSIG
12:30 AMWSW 206.21 322520 74% 30.150030
USTR 101930Z 24009MPS CAVOK M00/M04 Q1021 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 25015MPS
1:00 AMWSW 226.21 322319 69% 30.12050
USTR 102000Z 24010MPS CAVOK M00/M05 Q1020 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 25015MPS
1:30 AMWSW 206.21 322320 69% 30.12050
USTR 102030Z 24009MPS CAVOK M00/M05 Q1020 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 25015MPS
2:00 AMWSW 166.21 322321 69% 30.12050
USTR 102100Z 25007MPS CAVOK M00/M05 Q1020 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 25015MPS
2:30 AMWSW 186.21 322321 69% 30.090970
USTR 102130Z 24008MPS CAVOK M00/M05 Q1019 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 25015MPS
3:00 AMW 166.21 322121 64% 30.12050
USTR 102200Z 26007MPS CAVOK M00/M06 Q1020 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 25015MPS
3:26 AMW 18G 296.21 321921 59% 30.090970
USTR 102226Z 27008G13MPS CAVOK M00/M07 Q1019 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 27015MPS
3:30 AMW 206.21 322120 64% 30.090970
USTR 102230Z 27009MPS CAVOK M00/M06 Q1019 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 27015MPS
4:00 AMW 16G 276.21 322121 64% 30.090970
USTR 102300Z 27007G12MPS CAVOK M00/M06 Q1019 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 27015MPS
4:30 AMW 186.21 322121 64% 30.090970
USTR 102330Z 27008MPS CAVOK M00/M06 Q1019 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 27015MPS
5:00 AMW 166.21 322121 64% 30.090970
USTR 110000Z 28007MPS CAVOK M00/M06 Q1019 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 27015MPS
5:30 AMW 166.21 302119 69% 30.12050
USTR 110030Z 28007MPS CAVOK M01/M06 Q1020 R21/190050 R30/190050 TEMPO 27015MPS
6:00 AMWNW 186.21 302118 69% 30.12050
USTR 110100Z 29008MPS CAVOK M01/M06 Q1020 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29015MPS
6:01 AMWNW 20G 316.21 302118 69% 30.12050
USTR 110101Z 29009G14MPS CAVOK M01/M06 Q1020 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29015MPS
6:13 AMWNW 20G 366.21 FEW025
301918 64% 30.12050
USTR 110113Z 29009G16MPS 9999 FEW025 M01/M07 Q1020 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
6:21 AMWNW 22G 366.21 FEW025
301917 64% 30.12050
USTR 110121Z 30010G16MPS 9999 FEW025 M01/M07 Q1020 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
6:30 AMWNW 22G 346.21 FEW026
281915 69% 30.12050
USTR 110130Z 30010G15MPS 9999 FEW026 M02/M07 Q1020 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
6:44 AMWNW 186.21 FEW026
281916 69% 30.150030
USTR 110144Z 30008MPS 9999 FEW026 M02/M07 Q1021 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
6:54 AMWNW 18G 316.21 FEW024
281816 64% 30.150030
USTR 110154Z 30008G14MPS 9999 FEW024 M02/M08 Q1021 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
7:00 AMWNW 226.21 FEW026
271912 74% 30.150030
USTR 110200Z 30010MPS 9999 FEW026 M03/M07 Q1021 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
7:30 AMWNW 18G 296.21 FEW025
271814 68% 30.150030
USTR 110230Z 30008G13MPS 9999 FEW025 M03/M08 Q1021 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
8:00 AMNW 206.21 FEW024
251810 74% 30.179560
USTR 110300Z 31009MPS 9999 FEW024 M04/M08 Q1022 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
8:30 AMWNW 16G 276.21 FEW026
251812 74% 30.179560
USTR 110330Z 30007G12MPS 9999 FEW026 M04/M08 Q1022 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
9:00 AMWNW 186.21 FEW026
23169 74% 30.179560
USTR 110400Z 29008MPS 9999 FEW026 M05/M09 Q1022 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
9:30 AMWNW 166.21 FEW026
231410 68% 30.209090
USTR 110430Z 29007MPS 9999 FEW026 M05/M10 Q1023 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
10:00 AMWNW 206.21 23148 68% 30.209090
USTR 110500Z 29009MPS CAVOK M05/M10 Q1023 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
10:30 AMWNW 18G 296.21 FEW023
23149 68% 30.209090
USTR 110530Z 30008G13MPS 9999 FEW023 M05/M10 Q1023 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
11:00 AMWNW 18G 296.21 FEW027
DRSN23149 68% 30.209090
USTR 110600Z 29008G13MPS 9999 DRSN FEW027 M05/M10 Q1023 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
11:30 AMWNW 18G 296.21 FEW027
23149 68% 30.2386190
USTR 110630Z 29008G13MPS 9999 FEW027 M05/M10 Q1024 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
12:00 PMWNW 186.21 FEW027
23149 68% 30.2386190
USTR 110700Z 30008MPS 9999 FEW027 M05/M10 Q1024 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
12:30 PMWNW 186.21 FEW027
251411 63% 30.2386190
USTR 110730Z 29008MPS 9999 FEW027 M04/M10 Q1024 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
1:00 PMWNW 186.21 FEW027
251411 63% 30.2386190
USTR 110800Z 30008MPS 9999 FEW027 M04/M10 Q1024 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
1:30 PMWNW 166.21 FEW030
251412 63% 30.2681480
USTR 110830Z 30007MPS 9999 FEW030 M04/M10 Q1025 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
2:00 PMWNW 186.21 SCT026
251411 63% 30.2681480
USTR 110900Z 30008MPS 9999 SCT026 M04/M10 Q1025 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
2:30 PMWNW 136.21 SCT025
271415 58% 30.2681480
USTR 110930Z 30006MPS 9999 SCT025 M03/M10 Q1025 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
3:00 PMWNW 136.21 SCT031
271615 63% 30.2681480
USTR 111000Z 30006MPS 9999 SCT031 M03/M09 Q1025 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
3:30 PMW 116.21 SCT031
271416 58% 30.2386190
USTR 111030Z 28005MPS 9999 SCT031 M03/M10 Q1024 R30/190050 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
4:00 PMWNW 116.21 SCT031
271416 58% 30.2681480
USTR 111100Z 29005MPS 9999 SCT031 M03/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190050 TEMPO 29017MPS
4:30 PMWNW 136.21 SCT031
271415 58% 30.2681480
USTR 111130Z 30006MPS 9999 SCT031 M03/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 TEMPO 29017MPS
5:00 PMWNW 96.21 FEW033
271418 58% 30.2681480
USTR 111200Z 29004MPS 9999 FEW033 M03/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 NOSIG
5:30 PMW 76.21 FEW033
251417 63% 30.2681480
USTR 111230Z 27003MPS 9999 FEW033 M04/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 NOSIG
6:00 PMW 96.21 FEW034
231413 68% 30.2681480
USTR 111300Z 27004MPS 9999 FEW034 M05/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 NOSIG
6:30 PMW 96.21 FEW034
231413 68% 30.2681480
USTR 111330Z 26004MPS 9999 FEW034 M05/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 NOSIG
7:00 PMW 96.21 FEW036
231413 68% 30.2681480
USTR 111400Z 26004MPS 9999 FEW036 M05/M10 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 NOSIG
7:30 PMWSW 116.21 FEW036
211210 68% 30.2681480
USTR 111430Z 24005MPS 9999 FEW036 M06/M11 Q1025 R30/090065 R21/190055 NOSIG
8:00 PMWSW 116.21 FEW046
211410 73% 30.2681480
USTR 111500Z 24005MPS 9999 FEW046 M06/M10 Q1025 R21/190055 R30/090065 NOSIG

The IEM API webservice that provided data to this page. For more details, see documentation.

Data Notes

  • For recent years, this page also optionally shows observations from the MADIS High Frequency METAR dataset. This dataset had a problem with temperatures detailed here.