Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

20 February 2025 Observation History, [OH098] 108-SR183 @ Minerva, timezone: America/New_York

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:05 AMNNW 1G 314 91480
12:15 AMNNW 1G 214 91480
12:30 AMNNW 1G 214 91480
1:05 AMN 1G 215 91577
1:15 AMNW 1G 214 91480
1:35 AMNW 1G 214 91480
2:05 AMNE 2G 214 91480
2:15 AME 1G 114 91480
2:35 AMN 1G 114 91480
3:00 AMNNW 1G 114 91480
3:15 AMN 1G 214 91480
3:30 AMN 1G 114 101484
4:05 AMNW 1G 114 101484
4:15 AMNW 1G 114 101484
4:30 AMNW 1G 114 101484
5:05 AMNNW 0G 114 101484
5:15 AMNNW 1G 114 101484
5:35 AMWSW 1G 114 101484
6:00 AMWSW 1G 114 111488
6:15 AMWNW 1G 314 111488
6:35 AMWNW 2G 413 101388
7:05 AMWNW 1G 213 101388
7:15 AMWNW 1G 213 101388
7:35 AMWNW 2G 213 101388
8:05 AMWNW 2G 514 111488
8:15 AMW 4G 414 11788
8:35 AMWNW 3G 414 11988
9:00 AMWNW 4G 615 11884
9:15 AMW 4G 415 12888
9:35 AMWNW 3G 616 121184
10:00 AMWNW 4G 716 111080
10:15 AMNW 4G 517 111177
10:35 AMWNW 4G 717 121180
11:00 AMWNW 5G 718 121177
11:15 AMWNW 5G 1019 121274
11:40 AMW 6G 919 121174
12:00 PMWNW 6G 719 131177
12:15 PMWNW 7G 1119 131077
12:35 PMWNW 5G 720 131374
1:00 PMNW 5G 819 121274
1:20 PMNW 7G 920 101165

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