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17 February 2025 Observation History, [GOLNV] I-80 Gold Ranch , timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:06 AMW 16G 2842 253451
12:26 AMW 13G 2642 253551
12:46 AMW 13G 2342 263453
1:06 AMW 16G 2941 263354
1:26 AMW 16G 2541 263354
1:47 AMW 15G 2941 253453
2:07 AMW 15G 2541 243349
2:27 AMW 13G 2341 223446
2:47 AMW 12G 2141 223446
3:07 AMW 11G 1740 233449
3:27 AMW 11G 1740 233350
3:47 AMW 11G 2140 213347
4:07 AMW 10G 2640 213445
4:27 AMW 16G 2641 203342
4:47 AMW 17G 2640 213245
5:07 AMW 16G 2940 223249
5:22 AMWSW 17G 2840 213147
5:43 AMWSW 12G 2340 223249
6:03 AMWSW 9G 1839 213348
6:23 AMWSW 4G 1439 203647
6:43 AMW 9G 1439 213348
7:03 AMWSW 9G 1739 223350
7:23 AMWSW 6G 1240 203546

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