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02 March 2025 Observation History, [MTMAL] Malta South US-191 MP 122.5 , timezone: America/Denver

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
1:30 AMWNW 547 264544
2:45 AMNE 140 224049
3:00 AMSE 1G 242 234246
3:15 AMW 3G 342 224145
3:30 AMW 6G 641 233748
3:45 AMWSW 642 233847
4:00 AMSW 7G 841 233648
4:15 AMWSW 7G 842 243848
4:30 AMWSW 5G 742 233947
4:45 AMNW 4G 542 234047
5:00 AMNW 2G 642 234246
5:15 AMNNW 2G 446 254643
5:30 AMN 5G 642 223944
5:45 AMNNW 6G 740 213647
6:00 AMN 5G 640 223648
6:15 AMNNW 7G 840 223548
6:45 AMM36 2257
7:00 AMN 7G 935 232961
7:15 AMN 6G 836 243162
7:30 AMNW 6G 739 253557
7:45 AMNW 5G 541 253853
8:00 AMNW 3G 444 264349
8:15 AMWNW 0G 246 284649
6:45 PME 1148 284345
7:00 PME 11G 1148 284346
7:15 PMENE 10G 1248 284446
Previous Day

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