Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

19 February 2025 Observation History, [MN143] U.S.63 - Lake City - MP 62.9 , timezone: America/Chicago

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMWNW 5G 11-6 -14-1868
12:20 AMWNW 9G 15-6 -14-2267
12:40 AMWNW 9G 12-6 -14-2266
1:00 AMWNW 7G 11-7 -14-2168
1:20 AMWNW 8G 13-7 -14-2368
1:40 AMWNW 9G 12-7 -15-2469
2:00 AMWNW 9G 12-8 -15-2570
2:20 AMWNW 10G 12-8 -15-2569
2:40 AMWNW 10G 14-8 -15-2569
3:00 AMWNW 9G 13-7 -15-2469
3:20 AMWNW 9G 13-8 -15-2569
3:40 AMWNW 11G 13-8 -15-2769
4:00 AMWNW 11G 15-8 -15-2770
4:20 AMWNW 13G 17-8 -15-2769
4:40 AMWNW 14G 19-8 -15-2970
5:00 AMWNW 14G 19-8 -15-2970
5:20 AMWNW 13G 17-8 -15-2871
5:40 AMWNW 12G 17-8 -15-2871
6:00 AMWNW 11G 15-8 -15-2771
6:20 AMWNW 11G 14-9 -15-2771
6:40 AMWNW 10G 14-8 -15-2671
7:00 AMWNW 9G 12-9 -15-2671
7:20 AMWNW 8G 12-9 -16-2671
7:40 AMWNW 9G 13-9 -16-2772
8:00 AMWNW 10G 13-9 -16-2872
8:20 AMWNW 11G 15-9 -16-2972
8:40 AMWNW 11G 15-9 -16-2871
9:00 AMWNW 11G 14-9 -16-2771
9:20 AMWNW 11G 14-8 -15-2669
9:40 AMWNW 11G 14-7 -15-2568
10:00 AMWNW 12G 15-7 -15-2667
10:20 AMWNW 11G 15-6 -14-2367
10:40 AMWSW 6G 11-5 -13-1867
11:00 AMWSW 7G 13-5 -13-1967
11:20 AMW 8G 13-5 -13-2067
11:40 AMWSW 6G 12-4 -12-1767
12:00 PMW 8G 16-4 -12-1966
12:20 PMW 8G 14-3 -11-1867
12:40 PMW 10G 17-3 -12-1965
1:00 PMW 9G 16-2 -10-1866
1:20 PMW 9G 17-1 -10-1765
1:40 PMW 7G 16-0 -9-1465
2:00 PMW 7G 140 -9-1364
2:20 PMW 7G 151 -9-1263
2:40 PMW 7G 142 -8-1164
3:00 PMW 7G 152 -8-1164
3:20 PMW 10G 162 -7-1363
3:40 PMW 8G 132 -7-1163
4:00 PMW 8G 143 -7-1162
4:20 PMWNW 12G 164 -7-1361
4:40 PMWNW 13G 164 -7-1360

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Data Notes