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18 February 2025 Observation History, [CT002] MIDDLETOWN - RT9NB - On ramp fro CT US CTDOT, timezone: America/New_York

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMWNW 8G 2321 31146
12:20 AMNNW 7G 1820 31147
12:40 AMNNW 5G 1720 41349
12:50 AMWSW 5G 1420 41349
1:39 AMNW 7G 2119 41051
2:00 AMWNW 10G 2319 3849
2:20 AMW 8G 2319 4952
2:40 AMW 8G 2119 4853
3:00 AMWNW 9G 2219 4853
3:20 AMWNW 7G 2218 4953
3:30 AMWNW 9G 1918 4754
4:00 AMWNW 9G 2318 4753
4:20 AMNW 8G 1818 3752
4:40 AMWNW 7G 1617 2850
5:20 AMW 8G 1817 0747
5:40 AMWNW 7G 2317 -0746
6:00 AMWSW 10G 2717 -0547
6:20 AMWNW 8G 2216 -1547
6:40 AMWNW 8G 1816 -1647
7:00 AMWNW 6G 2116 -0747
7:20 AMWNW 7G 1616 -0747
7:40 AMW 7G 1617 0847
8:00 AMWNW 7G 1418 -0845
8:20 AMWNW 7G 2018 -0944
8:40 AMNW 9G 2419 1745
8:59 AMW 9G 2319 -0743
9:20 AMWNW 10G 2119 1843
9:40 AMNW 11G 2519 -0742
10:00 AMNNW 12G 2520 1843
11:00 AMNNW 11G 2622 21142
11:20 AMNW 13G 3422 21041
11:40 AMNNW 11G 2723 11239
11:50 AMNNW 9G 2224 21438
12:20 PMN 11G 2925 31439
12:40 PMNNW 12G 2924 21239
1:00 PMNNW 12G 2725 41440
1:20 PMNW 12G 2325 31338
1:40 PMWNW 9G 2226 41737

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