Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar Download

13 March 2025 Observation History, [ZHCC] Zhengzhou, timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Sky Cond.
(100s ft)
Present Wx Temperature (ºF) Relative
Pressure Snow
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr 6 hr
12:00 AMNW 44.35 NSC
553455 44% 30.12050
ZHCC 121600Z 32002MPS 280V030 7000 NSC 13/01 Q1020 NOSIG
1:00 AMCalm4.35 NSC
523752 58% 30.12050
ZHCC 121700Z 00000MPS 7000 NSC 11/03 Q1020 NOSIG
2:00 AMCalm4.35 NSC
523652 54% 30.12050
ZHCC 121800Z 00000MPS 7000 NSC 11/02 Q1020 NOSIG
3:00 AMCalm4.35 NSC
503950 66% 30.12050
ZHCC 121900Z 00000MPS 7000 NSC 10/04 Q1020 NOSIG
4:00 AMVRB 24.35 NSC
483648 62% 30.12050
ZHCC 122000Z VRB01MPS 7000 NSC 09/02 Q1020 NOSIG
5:00 AMVRB 24.35 NSC
523452 50% 30.12050
ZHCC 122100Z VRB01MPS 7000 NSC 11/01 Q1020 NOSIG
6:00 AMVRB 24.35 NSC
503650 58% 30.12050
ZHCC 122200Z VRB01MPS 7000 NSC 10/02 Q1020 NOSIG
7:00 AMESE 42.49 NSC
HZ503750 62% 30.12050
ZHCC 122300Z 12002MPS 4000 HZ NSC 10/03 Q1020 NOSIG
8:00 AMESE 22.49 NSC
HZ524352 71% 30.150030
ZHCC 130000Z 12001MPS 4000 HZ NSC 11/06 Q1021 NOSIG
9:00 AMESE 41.86 NSC
HZ554655 72% 30.179560
ZHCC 130100Z 12002MPS 3000 HZ NSC 13/08 Q1022 NOSIG
10:00 AMSE 71.86 NSC
HZ574857 72% 30.179560
ZHCC 130200Z 13003MPS 3000 HZ NSC 14/09 Q1022 BECMG TL0340 2500
11:00 AMSE 71.86 NSC
HZ594659 63% 30.179560
ZHCC 130300Z 14003MPS 3000 HZ NSC 15/08 Q1022 BECMG TL0340 2500
12:00 PMSSE 41.55 NSC
HZ614661 59% 30.179560
ZHCC 130400Z 16002MPS 090V220 2500 HZ NSC 16/08 Q1022 NOSIG
1:00 PMSE 41.55 NSC
HZ634563 52% 30.150030
ZHCC 130500Z 14002MPS 110V210 2500 HZ NSC 17/07 Q1021 NOSIG
2:00 PME 41.55 NSC
HZ634363 48% 30.12050
ZHCC 130600Z 08002MPS 350V150 2500 HZ NSC 17/06 Q1020 NOSIG
3:00 PMVRB 42.49 NSC
HZ644364 45% 30.090970
ZHCC 130700Z VRB02MPS 4000 HZ NSC 18/06 Q1019 NOSIG
4:00 PMESE 72.49 NSC
HZ634363 48% 30.090970
ZHCC 130800Z 12003MPS 090V160 4000 HZ NSC 17/06 Q1019 NOSIG
5:00 PME 92.49 NSC
HZ634363 48% 30.061440
ZHCC 130900Z 09004MPS 4000 HZ NSC 17/06 Q1018 NOSIG
6:00 PME 112.49 NSC
HZ614161 48% 30.090970
ZHCC 131000Z 10005MPS 4000 HZ NSC 16/05 Q1019 NOSIG
7:00 PMESE 73.73 NSC
553955 54% 30.090970
ZHCC 131100Z 11003MPS 6000 NSC 13/04 Q1019 NOSIG
8:00 PMESE 44.35 NSC
543954 58% 30.12050
ZHCC 131200Z 12002MPS 7000 NSC 12/04 Q1020 NOSIG
9:00 PMSE 74.35 NSC
543954 58% 30.150030
ZHCC 131300Z 13003MPS 7000 NSC 12/04 Q1021 NOSIG
10:00 PMSE 73.73 NSC
524152 66% 30.179560
ZHCC 131400Z 13003MPS 6000 NSC 11/05 Q1022 NOSIG
Previous Day

The IEM API webservice that provided data to this page. For more details, see documentation.

Data Notes

  • For recent years, this page also optionally shows observations from the MADIS High Frequency METAR dataset. This dataset had a problem with temperatures detailed here.