Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

Network Location Tables

With this form, you can generate a station table for any of the networks listed below. If there is a particular format for a station table that you need, please let us know.

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CA_RWIS Network
IDStation NameLatitude1 Longitude1Elevation [m] Archive BeginsArchive EndsIEM Network Attributes
CD001 Anderson Grade 41.7925 -122.5894 912 CA_RWIS
CD002 AntlersSmtRWIS 40.8671 -122.3656 469 CA_RWIS
CD003 Black Butte 41.3541 -122.3559 1196 CA_RWIS
CD004 Bogard 40.5855 -121.0887 1727 CA_RWIS
CD005 Buckhorn 40.6546 -122.7608 815 CA_RWIS
CD006 Doyle 40.0007 -120.0853 1305 CA_RWIS
CD007 Dunsmuir 41.219 -122.2752 731 CA_RWIS
CD008 Fredonyer Smt 40.3605 -120.8676 1753 CA_RWIS
CD009 FredonyerEastRWIS 40.3696 -120.8368 1575 CA_RWIS
CD010 Hatchet Mtn 40.8522 -121.762 1333 CA_RWIS
CD011 HiltRWIS 41.9888 -122.6075 940 CA_RWIS
CD012 HornbrookRWIS 41.9063 -122.5676 694 CA_RWIS
CD013 Janesville 40.2941 -120.5085 1270 CA_RWIS
CD014 NorthWeedRWIS 41.4296 -122.4022 1044 CA_RWIS
CD015 Oregon Mtn 40.7388 -122.9908 841 CA_RWIS
CD016 Sims Road 41.0779 -122.3559 555 CA_RWIS
CD017 SnowmanRWIS 41.2685 -122.2134 1366 CA_RWIS
CD018 Spring Garden 39.9144 -120.8184 1158 CA_RWIS
CD019 Vollmers 40.9409 -122.4269 400 CA_RWIS
CD020 Weed Airport 41.4743 -122.4529 896 CA_RWIS
CD021 Perez 41.6041 -121.2073 1366 CA_RWIS
CD022 Anderson Grade Summit 41.8001 -122.5819 934 CA_RWIS
CD023 Fredonyer West 40.3538 -120.8758 1699 CA_RWIS
CD024 Collier 41.8518 -122.5699 655 CA_RWIS
CD025 Hwy 80 at Blue Canyon 39.2834 -120.7031 1619 CA_RWIS
CD026 Hwy 80 at Cisco Grove 39.3092 -120.5444 1728 CA_RWIS
CD027 Hwy 80 at Donner Summit 39.3391 -120.3478 2194 CA_RWIS
CD028 Hwy 80 at Donner Lake 39.3319 -120.2877 1955 CA_RWIS
CD029 Hwy 50 at Echo Summit 38.8132 -120.0299 2250 CA_RWIS
CD030 Hwy 267 at Brockway Summit 39.2608 -120.0719 2192 CA_RWIS
CD031 Hwy 267 at Truckee Bypass 39.3343 -120.1633 1790 CA_RWIS
CD032 Hwy 80 at Chiles 38.5636 -121.6389 5 CA_RWIS
CD033 Hwy 80 at Truckee Scales 39.3622 -120.1301 1777 CA_RWIS
CD034 Hwy 80 at Floriston 39.3956 -120.0239 1616 CA_RWIS
CD035 Hwy 80 at Bryte Bend 38.603 -121.5447 16 CA_RWIS
CD036 Hwy 51 at Exposition 38.5915 -121.4454 15 CA_RWIS
CD037 Hwy 5 at Elkhorn 38.6734 -121.6417 5 CA_RWIS
CD040 Hwy 89 at Rampart 39.1653 -120.1776 1895 CA_RWIS
CD041 Hwy 28 at Dollar 39.1936 -120.1039 1981 CA_RWIS
CD042 Hwy 80 at West Capitol 38.5739 -121.5818 9 CA_RWIS


  1. Latitude and Longitude values are in decimal degrees.
  2. Elevation is expressed in meters above sea level.