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Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
4.644WY_COCORAHSThermopolis 33.2 W2022-11-01
9.051WY_DCPSouth Fork Owl Creek AT above Anchor Reservoir2011-03-30
11.026WYCLIMATEANCHOR DAM1961-04-011979-09-30
12.112WY_DCPAnchor Reservoir Near Thermopolis 30W2011-04-15
12.936WY_DCPOWL CREEK SNOTEL2016-11-02
15.069WY_DCPSouth Fork Owl Creek AT below Anchor Reservoir2011-03-30
15.851WY_COCORAHSThermopolis 28.2 W2021-01-302022-11-04
16.906WY_COCORAHSThermopolis 27.7 W
18.426WYCLIMATETHERMOPOLIS 27 WNW1949-09-011951-05-10
20.383WYCLIMATEMAIL CAMP1950-06-011952-12-31
24.315WY_DCPThermopolis - Coop2012-01-282012-01-28
24.318WYCLIMATETHERMOPOLIS 25WNW1951-05-012012-03-31
24.348NCDC81THERMOPOLIS 25WNW1981-01-012010-12-31
27.940WY_DCPCottonwood Creek AT Hamilton Dome2011-03-31
31.234WY_DCPCrowheart 17NNE
33.811WYCLIMATEMORTON 28 NW1949-07-011952-12-31