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Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site identifier for more information. This GeoJSON webservice provided the data for this page.

Distance [km]IDNetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
8.00OR-LA-171OR_COCORAHSLorane 5.1 W2014-03-19
8.00OR-LA-49OR_COCORAHSLorane 2 S2008-01-022008-01-05
16.00OR-DG-55OR_COCORAHSDrain 0.2 WNW
18.00OR2010ORCLIMATECURTIN NEAR1978-03-012012-04-16
18.00OR-LA-208OR_COCORAHSEugene 12.7 SSW2019-03-272023-02-27
20.00OD122OR_RWISOR38 SB at Elkton MP35.5 2016-12-14
20.00ELTO3OR_COOPELKTON 1SW2008-09-01
20.00OR2632ORCLIMATEELKTON 1SW2008-09-01
20.00USC00352632NCEI91ELKTON 1SW1991-01-012020-12-31
21.00OR-DG-32OR_COCORAHSElkton 2.0 W2008-09-122008-10-06
22.00ODT49OR_RWISI5 SB at Wards Butte (Cottage Gr OR US ODOT2004-12-29
23.00OR-LA-149OR_COCORAHSEugene 11.2 WSW
24.00OR2637ORCLIMATEELKTON 4 S1950-12-011956-03-31
24.00USC00352633NCEI91ELKTON 3 SW1991-01-012020-12-31
24.00USC00352633NCDC81ELKTON 3 SW1981-01-012010-12-31
24.00OR2633ORCLIMATEELKTON 3 SW1936-04-012008-06-03