Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.084IA_DCPDes Moines River 3 WSW IFC--Boone Hwy E412015-02-06
4.218IA_COCORAHSBoone 4.5 WSW2013-01-012021-01-07
4.943IA_COCORAHSBoone 4.6 WSW2021-12-28
4.998IACLIMATEBOONE 3 WNW1922-01-011946-07-31
5.434IA_COCORAHSBoone 0.3 WNW2007-09-102008-01-02
6.454IA_COCORAHSBoone 4.5 NW2007-08-172018-12-30
6.760IA_COCORAHSBoone 1.1 N2024-03-26
6.836IA_COCORAHSBoone 0.5 NE
8.636IA_COCORAHSBoone 1.2 ENE2007-08-142008-05-07
9.434IA_ASOSBOONE MUNI1973-01-31
9.650IA_COCORAHSOgden 1.6 SE2007-09-06
11.338IA_DCPBoone 6SSW - Fire Wx2019-04-22
11.403IA_DCPDes Moines River 0 SSW IFC--Fraser Kale Rd2015-02-06
14.126IA_DCPBig Creek 5 SE IFC--Boone 240th St2013-05-222016-10-13
15.093IACLIMATEWOODWARD 7 N1944-09-011974-04-30
15.607IA_DCPPrairie Creek 5 NNE IFC--Boone 160th St2012-11-292016-10-20
15.969IA_DCPNorth Branch Onion Creek 5 ENE IFC--Boone IA 172012-11-292016-10-20
16.538IA_COCORAHSMadrid 5.8 NNW2017-04-11
17.400OTISU FEEL Farm
17.506IA_DCPN Branch of S Fork Onion Creek 5 E IFC--Boone U Ave2012-11-292016-10-20
17.524IA_DCPS Branch of S Fork Onion Creek 5 ESE IFC--Boone U Ave2012-12-202016-10-20
17.588IA_COCORAHSMadrid 5.4 NNW2024-01-11
17.917KCCIBoone / United Community2002-02-122016-02-16
17.934IA_DCPBig Creek 2 NE IFC--Luther Hwy E412013-09-112016-10-13
17.940IA_COCORAHSLuther 0.1 SE
17.988IA_COCORAHSBoone 5.7 ESE2007-07-272009-04-29
18.055CSCAPISUAG - Sawyer
18.227ISUSMAmes - AEA ISU-RDF2013-05-13
18.233IA_COOPAMES 8 WSW2004-01-01
18.244NCEI91AMES 8 WSW1991-01-012020-12-31
18.244NCDC81AMES 8 WSW1981-01-012010-12-31
18.254IA_HPDAMES 8 WSW2024-12-01
18.711IA_DCPBig Creek Tributary 7 3 NE IFC--Luther 250th St2013-05-222016-10-13
19.146IA_COCORAHSPilot Mound 0.4 NE
19.403IA_DCPMontgomery Creek 6 NE IFC--Boone IA 172013-09-112016-10-20
19.792IA_DCPNorth Branch Onion Creek 6 E IFC--Boone V Ave2012-11-292016-10-20
19.922CSCAPISUAG.USB - Helmers
19.937IA_DCPBluff Creek 0 NW Pilot Mound2013-07-19
20.196IA_DCPBig Creek 2 E IFC--Luther 270th St2013-05-222016-10-13
20.261IA_DCPStratford 18SSE - IFC Ioway Creek at 210th2013-09-112016-10-20
20.434IA_DCPWebster County2009-06-01
22.407IACLIMATEBEAVER 2 NE1948-01-011951-06-17
22.531IA_DCPPrairie Creek 6 W IFC--Gilbert V Ave2012-11-29
22.814IA_DCPAMES SCAN2012-12-19
22.886IA_DCPBeaver Creek 3 SSE IFC--Beaver Hwy P542015-02-06
23.152IA_DCPGilbert - Montgomery Creek2022-11-25
23.774IACLIMATEAmes Area1893-01-01
24.485IA_DCPBig Creek 3 ESE IFC--Luther 280th St2013-05-222016-10-13
24.995IA_DCPWorrell Creek 5 WSW IFC--Ames X Ave2012-12-192016-10-20
25.459IA_COCORAHSAmes 4.4 WNW
26.134IA_DCPOnion Creek 4 WNW IFC--Ames Hwy R382012-11-29
26.186IA_DCPClear Creek 4 W IFC--Ames Hwy R382012-11-292016-10-19
26.212ISUSMAmes - Finch Farm2018-11-15
26.427IA_COCORAHSAmes 3.7 W2024-03-18
26.608IA_DCPAmes - Ioway Creek2007-05-30
26.650IA_DCPGilbert 4WNW - IFC Ioway Creek at 160th2012-11-29
26.837ISUSMAmes - Kitchen Farm2021-12-17
27.030IA_COCORAHSAmes 3.5 WNW2007-08-232007-09-19
27.604IA_DCPGlacial Creek 9 W IFC--Story City U Ave2012-11-292016-10-20
27.697IA_DCPStory City 8W - IFC Ioway Creek 120th2012-11-29
27.786IA_COCORAHSAmes 3.1 W
28.054OTAmes - COBS Research Site2011-10-132019-04-29
28.292IA_DCPTalynns Creek 8 W IFC--Story City V Ave2012-11-292016-10-20
28.359IA_COCORAHSMadrid 0.4 NNE
28.647IA_COCORAHSMadrid 0.2 WNW
28.712IA_COCORAHSMadrid 0.5 NE2024-05-31
28.825IA_DCPBig Creek Tributary 2 4 WSW IFC--Kelley 300th St2013-09-112016-10-13
29.005IA_DCPBig Creek 4 ENE IFC--Madrid 310th St2013-05-222016-10-13
29.194IA_COCORAHSMadrid 0.7 WSW2007-09-042007-11-21
29.548IA_DCPBig Creek Tributary 3 4 ENE IFC--Madrid 310th St2013-05-222016-10-13
29.628IA_DCPStanhope 4SSW - IFC Ioway Creek Inkapudta Ave2012-11-292016-10-20
29.823IA_COCORAHSMadrid 0.4 SE2007-08-262023-02-27
30.934IA_DCPDes Moines River 4 WSW Stratford2002-04-17
31.186IA_DCPDes Moines River 4 WSW IFC--Stratford IA 1752016-01-072023-08-13
32.460IA_COCORAHSPerry 2.5 NNW
32.964IA_DCPStratford 2E - IFC Ioway Creek IA1752012-11-292016-10-20
33.264IA_DCPS Branch Crooked Creek 3 S IFC--Stanhope IA 172012-09-302016-10-20
34.620IA_DCPN Branch Crooked Creek 2 SSW IFC--Stanhope Inkpaduta Ave2012-11-292016-10-20
34.997IA_COCORAHSMadrid 3.3 SSW2024-08-04
37.368IA_DCPBeaver Creek 4 SSW Woodward2002-04-17