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Data Calendar for WATERTON PARK GATE

The calendar chart below shows the daily reported climate variables. You can click on a date to display the values for all sites for that day. Time stamps are displayed in the America/Edmonton timezone. Wind speeds are in mph and temperatures in Fahrenheit. Values flagged with a (E) are estimated by the IEM.




Jan 2025Feb 2025 Mar 2025
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday
High: 36.41
Low: 1.364
Precip: M
Gust: 42 (1:00 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 56-91
Feel Min/Max: -8 to 28
High: -2.506
Low: -13.738
Precip: M
Gust: 12 (8:00 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 70-84
Feel Min/Max: -28 to -10
High: -11.344
Low: -18.868
Precip: M
Gust: 10 (2:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 68-78
Feel Min/Max: -31 to -17
High: -12.874
Low: -14.89
Precip: M
Gust: 8 (1:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 66-74
Feel Min/Max: -30 to -23
High: 16.358
Low: -13.036
Precip: M
Gust: 31 (4:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 53-74
Feel Min/Max: -31 to 1
High: 11.876
Low: -18.886
Precip: M
Gust: 15 (4:00 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 47-83
Feel Min/Max: -23 to 6
High: 15.494
Low: -13.45
Precip: M
Gust: 33 (11:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 56-84
Feel Min/Max: -13 to 5
High: 23.108
Low: 3.074
Precip: M
Gust: 36 (4:00 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 49-86
Feel Min/Max: -4 to 11
High: 5.108
Low: -16.762
Precip: M
Gust: 11 (12:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 70-81
Feel Min/Max: -21 to -0
High: 4.514
Low: -13.072
Precip: M
Gust: 18 (9:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 40-80
Feel Min/Max: -27 to 5
High: 10.634
Low: -9.544
Precip: M
Gust: 31 (6:00 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 38-82
Feel Min/Max: -20 to -0
High: 11.984
Low: -13.252
Precip: M
Gust: 42 (10:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 45-80
Feel Min/Max: -23 to -8
High: 10.436
Low: 8.906
Precip: M
Gust: 43 (12:00 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 57-59
Feel Min/Max: -13 to -12

Precip: M

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.

Daily High/Low Plot

Description: This chart of the monthly temperature data. The bars are the observations and the dots are climatology.

Daily Rainfall

Description: This chart is of daily precipitation for the month. The red line would be an average month while the blue line and bars are observations.

Daily Average Wind Speeds

Description: This chart is of the daily average wind speeds.

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.