The IEM attempts a high fidelity processing and archival of river gauge observations and forecasts found within the NWS HML Products.

Backend documentation exists for those wishing to script against this service. The HML archive dates back to 2012.

1. Select Station(s):

2. Select Data Type:

: Note that you can only request forecast data for a single UTC year at a time.

3. Timezone of Observations:

The timestamps used in the downloaded file will be set in the timezone you specify.

4. Select Start/End Time:

The end date is not inclusive.

5. Data Format:

Submit Form:

Observation Data Columns

station5 character station identifier
valid[timezone]Timestamp of observation
Label for ValuesPrimary
Label for ValuesSecondary

Observation Data Columns

station5 character station identifier
issued[timezone]Timestamp of forecast issuance
primarynameLabel for the primary forecast value
primaryunitsUnits for the primary forecast value
secondarynameLabel for the secondary forecast value
secondaryunitsUnits for the secondary forecast value
forecast_valid[timezone]Timestamp of forecast valid
primary_valuePrimary forecast value
secondary_valueSecondary forecast value