IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Milwaukee Streak without Thunder
Posted: 22 Jun 2023 05:30 AM
The lack of thunderstorm activity as of late has contributed to the rapidly worsening drought situation.
An example of the lack of thunderstorms can be found by totaling up the number of hours each month
that the Milwaukee, Wisconsin ASOS has reported thunderstorm (TS) activity within its METARs. The
featured chart shows this year's total along with a crude long term monthly average. The zeros for May
and June are remarkable considering the very active April shown with a value well above climatology.
The weather forecast models continue to hint that perhaps our messed up weather pattern will shift to
something more resembling June next week, but it seems we have been hoping for this shift for the
past three weeks. So for completeness with the feature title, the last TS report from Milwaukee was
back on 20 April, over two months ago!
Good = 9
Bad = 0
Good = 9
Bad = 0