IEM Daily Feature
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Dubuque Monthly Precip
Posted: 20 Jun 2023 05:30 AM
With not much for rainfall chances this week and Dubuque sitting at just 0.43 inches for the month of
June, perhaps one may wonder if the location has a chance for the driest June on record. The featured
chart presents the monthly minimum precipitation records for the site and there is little surprise for the
current record holder for June being 1988. Of course, 1988 was a benchmark drought year for the
state and it is unnerving to see any comparisons start to appear for this year to that year. There is ten
days to go yet this June and rainfall chances are in the forecast for later in the weekend, so hopefully
this record can avoid being broken.
Good = 11
Bad = 0
Good = 11
Bad = 0