IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 23 April 2018
Monday, 23 April 2018
Late for First 70+
Posted: 23 Apr 2018 05:35 AM
It was like a miracle occurred and temperatures were above average on a Sunday for much
of the state, well sans the areas still with some pesky snow cover left. Des Moines hit 70+
for the first time this year. With the date being 22 April, this was one of the latest dates on
record for the site as shown by the featured chart. The chart compares the first date of
hitting 70+ for the high temperature and the number of days that year at or above that level.
Having such a late date does not doom the season total as this level is hard to be under
with most of the summer season.
Good = 10
Bad = 0
Tags: 2018
Good = 10
Bad = 0
Tags: 2018