Archived Data Schema
The IEM maintains two directly web-accessible trees of archived weather products. This page provides a crude schema of what products are archived and where within the directory tree you can find them. The reason there are two archives is that the products have different funding / support resources and legacy.
The products are generally organized by UTC date, but some of the products found are for the local/Iowa calendar date.
ROOT= |- base folder full of various images for the date |- GIS |- NWS coop obs shapefile and road conditions shapefile per update |- kcci |- KCCI LiveSuper DopplerHD radar imagery |- sat |- GOES Conus Satellite imagery TIF |- {akcomp,hicomp,prcomp,uscomp} |- NEXRAD composites | - hrrr reflectivity imagery | - mrms imagery | - ifc Iowa Flood Center precipitation imagery | - ridge single site NEXRAD RADAR imagery |- camera |- Per webcam site 5 minute interval imagery |- comprad |- Iowa pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches |- hunrad |- Pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches Alabama |- ictrad |- Pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches Kansas |- lotrad |- Pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches Illinois | - model |- rtma selected gribs from the RTMA and RTMA-RU (Rapid Update) |- raw |- Raw datafiles for the AWOS and RWIS network |- srad |- Pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches South Dakota |- sel[0-10]rad |- Pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches for floating watch sectors issued by the Storm Prediction Center |- text |- raw Iowa State road condition reports |- noaaport |- Saved raw text products from our NWS NOAAPort feed |- ot |- raw datafiles for some of the sites in the Other Network |- usrad |- Pre-generated NEXRAD imagery w/ warnings and watches United States |- stage4 |- Archive of the NCEP Stage4 Precipitation product in Grib format
ROOT= |- base folder full of various images for the date | - bufkit :: Archive of BUFKIT data files for a RAP, GFS, NAM, SREF models | - cod :: GOES 16+17 Imagery from College of Dupage | - gempak :: some NWS/NCEP data in GEMPAK format | - grib2 :: limited assortment of NCEP/NWS grib2 products | - mrms :: Grib2 NCEP MRMS products | - text :: some NWS data in text format