Rawinsonde (RAOB) Data Archive
For many moons, the IEM archived the soundings provided by the now defunct NOAA rucsoundings website. This website was shutdown during September 2024, so the IEM started to ingest what was provided by the Storm Prediction Center website. This source was found to be missing many sounding locations that the IEM previous archived. So the IEM started to ingest what is provided by NCEI Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive, but this archive is not in real-time. So as of March 2025, this website contains near real-time data from SPC and is backfilled eventually with data from the NCEI archive.
Data for the United States and Canada is available. This data are vertical profiles of the atmosphere taken from weather balloons released twice daily.
Available Tools:
- List Sounding Parameters per Year
- View Sounding Percentiles (Autoplot 150)
- Sounding Monthly Min/Max values (Autoplot 198)
- Sounding Yearly Timeseries (Autoplot 212)
- SPC Sounding Climatology Page
Download Data
This form provides a simple comma delimited file of RAOB data, the columns should be self-explainatory except the 'levelcode' column. Those values provide metadata on that level of data. The start time is inclusive and end time is exclusive. Special soundings should be in this archive as well.
Level Codes
Output Datafile Columns
station 3 or 4 character station identifier validUTC RAOB Launch Cycle Time in UTC levelcode Level Code for this observation, not always available pressure_mb Pressure of data in millibar height_m Height above sea level m tmpc Air Temperature in C dwpc Dew Point Temperature in C drct Wind Direction in deg from North speed_kts Wind Speed in knots bearing Balloon bearing in degree, not always available range_sm Ballon range from launch in statute miles, not always available |
JSON(P) Webservice
A JSON webservice exists for more programatic access, more information is here.