Past IEM Features tagged: khwave
So many interesting things
03 Oct 2007 12:32 AMTuesday was an amazing weather phenomena day. The morning started with Kelvin-Helmholtz instability waves that produced remarkable cloud formations and velocity signatures on NEXRAD. The featured image contains a trace of temperature and dew point from the roof of the Agronomy Building at ISU and the visible satellite image from 3 PM. A large area of rain formed well ahead of the cold front limiting the daytime heating, but it dramatically moistened the lower atmosphere and with the help of strong and warm southerly winds underneath the cloud shield, temperatures and dew points rose in tandem (which is rather rare)! The severe weather threat increased as skies cleared in Southern Iowa ahead of the front during the late afternoon. This bumped surface air temperatures only a few degrees, but provided instability for thunderstorms to develop. The strongly sheered environment along the sharp cold front (notice very sharp drop in the trace) provided the ingredients necessary for a few brief tornados to form, including a tornado that flipped a few cars in Des Moines! What a day!
Good: 33
Bad: 2
Tags: khwave tornado interesting