Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
10.807TX_DCPBRADSHAW 6W2010-12-242012-02-19
17.994TX_DCPELM CREEK AT Lake Abilene2010-12-07
18.545NCDC81WINTERS 1 NNE1981-01-012010-12-31
18.548TXCLIMATEWINTERS 1 NNE1968-08-01
18.584TX_COOPTuscola - Lake Abilene State Park2004-07-23
18.593TXCLIMATELAKE ABILENE STATE PARK1962-03-012023-09-16
19.951TX_DCPBUFFALO GAP 8WSW2010-12-252017-05-11
24.118TX_DCPBuffalo Gap 1SW - Elm Creek2019-04-05
24.790TX_DCPBUFFALO GAP 11W2010-12-252017-06-05
26.127TX_DCPLAWN 5 E2010-12-07