Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
0.967OR_DCPNehalem - Nehalem River2024-01-04
14.870OR_DCPNehalem River AT Foss2010-12-07
19.954ORCLIMATENEHALEM 9 NE1969-04-012022-12-31
20.067OR_COOPNehalem 9 Ne2004-07-16
22.320OR_DCPMiami R 2 NE Garibaldi2013-09-27
24.278OR_DCP10 METER WINDS2010-12-07
25.706OR_DCPGaribaldi Tillamook Bay OR - 94375402016-08-30
25.880OR_DCPCanon Beach 2SE - WF Ecola Creek2018-12-28
27.576OR_DCPCannon Beach 1ESE - NF Ecola Creek2018-12-28
29.086OR_DCPS Fk Necanicum R 7 SE Seaside2013-09-27
39.490ORCLIMATEGOLDEN FALLS1910-11-011917-07-31