Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

The following tables present IEM computed monthly data summaries based on daily data provided by or computed for the IEM. A download interface exists for the daily summary information. The climatology is provided by the nearest NCEI climate station () within the current 1991-2020 dataset.

To load shown data into Microsoft Excel, highlight the table information with your mouse and then copy/paste into Excel.

Precipitation Totals [inch]


Average Wind Speed [MPH]


Average Daily High Temperature [F]


Average Daily Low Temperature [F]


Average Daily Temperature (high+low)/2 [F]


Average Relative Humidity [%]

This value is computed via a simple average of available observations weighted by the duration between observations.


Monthly Plots

Select month and year:

Monthly Plot
Monthly Plot