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27 February 2025 Observation History, [PA071] SR 322 W/B @ Venango-Mercer Co. PA US PADOT, timezone: America/New_York

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:25 AMESE 8G 1136 363099
12:40 AMESE 5G 1136 3632100
12:50 AMSE 6G 1136 3631100
1:30 AMESE 6G 1036 3631100
1:45 AMESE 6G 936 3631100
2:25 AMESE 5G 936 3632100
2:35 AMESE 6G 936 3631100
3:25 AMESE 7G 1137 3731100
3:35 AMESE 6G 937 3732100
3:50 AMSE 4G 1037 3734100
4:40 AMSSE 4G 739 3936100
4:50 AMESE 2G 739 3939100
5:25 AMESE 4G 639 393799
5:40 AMESE 3G 640 403899
5:50 AMESE 3G 440 404099
6:20 AMESE 2G 440 4040100
6:40 AMSW 3G 640 4040100
6:50 AMSSW 4G 1041 413999
7:50 AMWSW 11G 1542 4236100
8:25 AMWSW 10G 1943 433799
8:40 AMW 14G 2343 423697
8:45 AMW 15G 2143 423696
9:20 AMWNW 14G 2043 413593
9:30 AMW 11G 2142 403693
10:40 AMWNW 10G 2139 383296
10:50 AMW 12G 2538 373193
11:20 AMWNW 15G 2537 362895
Previous Day

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