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Data Calendar for MD 260 at Cox Rd

The calendar chart below shows the daily reported climate variables. You can click on a date to display the values for all sites for that day. Time stamps are displayed in the America/New_York timezone. Wind speeds are in mph and temperatures in Fahrenheit. Values flagged with a (E) are estimated by the IEM.




Jan 2025Feb 2025 Mar 2025
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday
High: 54.150787
Low: 30.520405
Precip: M
Gust: 12 (10:20 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 45-98
Feel Min/Max: 27 to 54
High: 37.470192
Low: 25.640608
Precip: M
Gust: 10 (2:19 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 47-77
Feel Min/Max: 21 to 37
High: 55.990395
Low: 30.99919
Precip: M
Gust: 13 (11:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 67-90
Feel Min/Max: 31 to 56
High: 65.89941
Low: 38.04082
Precip: M
Gust: 19 (3:40 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 37-74
Feel Min/Max: 37 to 66
High: 38.24061
Low: 32.840607
Precip: M
Gust: 9 (11:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 45-84
Feel Min/Max: 30 to 38
High: 47.980427
Low: 32.34919
Precip: M
Gust: 16 (2:00 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 84-93
Feel Min/Max: 29 to 47
High: 54.820404
Low: 35.94018
Precip: M
Gust: 17 (12:20 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 33-90
Feel Min/Max: 36 to 55
High: 35.78
Low: 32.399616
Precip: M
Gust: 9 (12:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 48-92
Feel Min/Max: 30 to 36
High: 49.749775
Low: 33.929573
Precip: M
Gust: 15 (1:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 47-93
Feel Min/Max: 34 to 50
High: 41.439224
Low: 28.599775
Precip: M
Gust: 10 (12:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 51-72
Feel Min/Max: 29 to 41
High: 35.220192
Low: 27.120192
Precip: M
Gust: 8 (7:59 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 52-91
Feel Min/Max: 27 to 35
High: 36.46939
Low: 31.110811
Precip: M
Gust: 9 (1:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 89-94
Feel Min/Max: 31 to 36
High: 50.039597
Low: 35.000576
Precip: M
Gust: 19 (5:49 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 54-95
Feel Min/Max: 33 to 50
High: 43.829628
Low: 29.150576
Precip: M
Gust: 12 (10:59 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 30-72
Feel Min/Max: 29 to 44
High: 41.860382
Low: 31.749775
Precip: M
Gust: 12 (10:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 55-93
Feel Min/Max: 32 to 42
High: 64.6808
Low: 38.1308
Precip: M
Gust: 31 (2:40 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 48-97
Feel Min/Max: 34 to 65
High: 43.66939
Low: 31.139595
Precip: M
Gust: 29 (11:39 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 30-59
Feel Min/Max: 25 to 42
High: 34.610012
Low: 22.069391
Precip: M
Gust: 15 (2:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 28-46
Feel Min/Max: 19 to 35
High: 24.47062
Low: 19.500788
Precip: M
Gust: 9 (1:19 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 39-75
Feel Min/Max: 17 to 24
High: 29.850788
Low: 19.650202
Precip: M
Gust: 18 (4:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 44-74
Feel Min/Max: 18 to 28
High: 41.050415
Low: 24.000788
Precip: M
Gust: 17 (3:49 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 34-59
Feel Min/Max: 20 to 41
High: 37.599777
Low: 21.869606
Precip: M
Gust: 11 (2:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 46-77
Feel Min/Max: 22 to 37
High: 50.91982
Low: 27.86001
Precip: M
Gust: 14 (12:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 28-73
Feel Min/Max: 28 to 51
High: 49.339382
Low: 29.240608
Precip: M
Gust: 21 (4:09 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 49-79
Feel Min/Max: 29 to 48
High: 66.63021
Low: 37.56918
Precip: M
Avg Wind: S @ 1.5
Gust: 15 (4:20 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 31-84
Feel Min/Max: 38 to 67
High: 61.05921
Low: 38.390022
Precip: M
Gust: 15 (4:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 44-77
Feel Min/Max: 38 to 61

Precip: M

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.

Daily High/Low Plot

Description: This chart of the monthly temperature data. The bars are the observations and the dots are climatology.

Daily Rainfall

Description: This chart is of daily precipitation for the month. The red line would be an average month while the blue line and bars are observations.

Daily Average Wind Speeds

Description: This chart is of the daily average wind speeds.

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.