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Data Calendar for US 301 at MD 305

The calendar chart below shows the daily reported climate variables. You can click on a date to display the values for all sites for that day. Time stamps are displayed in the America/New_York timezone. Wind speeds are in mph and temperatures in Fahrenheit. Values flagged with a (E) are estimated by the IEM.




Jan 2025Feb 2025 Mar 2025
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday
High: 54.429787
Low: 27.730427
Precip: M
Gust: 34 (8:20 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 29-92
Feel Min/Max: 21 to 54
High: 40.920776
Low: 21.180214
Precip: M
Gust: 20 (9:20 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 44-76
Feel Min/Max: 14 to 41
High: 57.36918
Low: 29.510597
Precip: M
Gust: 19 (10:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 54-86
Feel Min/Max: 30 to 57
High: 55.59082
Low: 34.77019
Precip: M
Gust: 30 (12:40 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 42-75
Feel Min/Max: 33 to 56
High: 38.289223
Low: 32.489594
Precip: M
Gust: 11 (8:39 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 44-74
Feel Min/Max: 28 to 38
High: 44.000576
Low: 31.179201
Precip: M
Gust: 15 (2:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 76-90
Feel Min/Max: 24 to 43
High: 46.889595
Low: 33.859425
Precip: M
Gust: 35 (9:20 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 41-90
Feel Min/Max: 30 to 43
High: 36.41001
Low: 28.349617
Precip: M
Gust: 13 (1:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 47-88
Feel Min/Max: 25 to 36
High: 44.99061
Low: 33.589382
Precip: M
Gust: 32 (10:59 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 53-90
Feel Min/Max: 28 to 40
High: 41.430214
Low: 28.119179
Precip: M
Gust: 17 (12:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 45-70
Feel Min/Max: 22 to 37
High: 38.159584
Low: 25.93938
Precip: M
Gust: 12 (8:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 49-86
Feel Min/Max: 22 to 35
High: 36.91939
Low: 31.029787
Precip: M
Gust: 18 (7:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 83-93
Feel Min/Max: 27 to 35
High: 46.839222
Low: 35.119392
Precip: M
Gust: 39 (7:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 55-96
Feel Min/Max: 27 to 44
High: 38.899403
Low: 28.399988
Precip: M
Gust: 26 (10:59 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 38-62
Feel Min/Max: 22 to 36
High: 40.549988
Low: 29.220778
Precip: M
Gust: 18 (10:39 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 52-91
Feel Min/Max: 25 to 39
High: 61.88
Low: 36.669178
Precip: M
Gust: 43 (5:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 55-97
Feel Min/Max: 26 to 62
High: 38.260384
Low: 30.860598
Precip: M
Gust: 44 (1:19 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 39-56
Feel Min/Max: 16 to 29
High: 31.179201
Low: 20.76982
Precip: M
Gust: 30 (1:59 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 34-45
Feel Min/Max: 9 to 22
High: 25.050203
Low: 17.769178
Precip: M
Gust: 22 (2:39 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 44-76
Feel Min/Max: 5 to 25
High: 26.470406
Low: 17.799776
Precip: M
Gust: 30 (4:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 49-75
Feel Min/Max: 10 to 18
High: 36.359585
Low: 24.510225
Precip: M
Gust: 35 (10:19 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 39-59
Feel Min/Max: 10 to 27
High: 40.02078
Low: 17.749403
Precip: M
Gust: 14 (2:39 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 41-70
Feel Min/Max: 15 to 35
High: 48.9308
Low: 24.679415
Precip: M
Gust: 18 (11:19 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 32-80
Feel Min/Max: 21 to 49
High: 56.04082
Low: 29.809425
Precip: M
Gust: 23 (1:19 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 34-72
Feel Min/Max: 30 to 56
High: 61.460598
Low: 35.909584
Precip: M
Avg Wind: SW @ 4.2
Gust: 15 (1:59 PM)
RH% Min/Max: 38-73
Feel Min/Max: 36 to 61
High: 64.16961
Low: 31.609425
Precip: M
Gust: 19 (10:29 AM)
RH% Min/Max: 36-81
Feel Min/Max: 32 to 64

Precip: M

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.

Daily High/Low Plot

Description: This chart of the monthly temperature data. The bars are the observations and the dots are climatology.

Daily Rainfall

Description: This chart is of daily precipitation for the month. The red line would be an average month while the blue line and bars are observations.

Daily Average Wind Speeds

Description: This chart is of the daily average wind speeds.

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.