Title: Iowa Environmental Mesonet (IEM) - Dog and Pony Show Abstract: The IEM is a 17 year old project at Iowa State University with the goal of collecting and disseminating environmental data. While the project name implies a limited spatial domain, the subversive goal has been world domination by collecting data wherever it is found. The ongoing result of this goal is a tremendously confusing and complex website rivaling that of NCDC or even the NWS. The "Dog and Pony Show" will consist of: - presenting tools on the website that may help the bureau do its job, - assorted rants and statistics on various bureau programs like storm based warnings, - examination of two IEM barnyard animals: IEM Cow and IEM Raccoon, - and accounting of IEM archiving activities. The IEM's developer, daryl herzmann, was also a contractor for the weather bureau and the primary developer of NWSChat. A wild and enthralling time is sure to be had by all during the presentation.